

Why are root cells colorless?

Updated: 12/1/2022
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Q: Why are root cells colorless?
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Are platlets colorless?

Yes, platelets are colorless fragments of cells that help in blood clotting. They do not contain a nucleus and are smaller than red and white blood cells.

Do root cells have chloroplast?

No, root cells do not have chloroplasts.

What cells are found on roots?

Root cells include root hairs for water and nutrient absorption, epidermal cells for protection, cortex cells for storage, endodermal cells for regulating nutrient uptake, and vascular tissue cells for transport.

Does root cells have cells walls?

Yes - root cells are plant cells and therefore have a cell wall.

What is the difference in root hair cells and leaf cells?

root hair cells dont have chloroplasts

Why do the root cells look different from the leaf cells of a plant?

Root cells do not have chlorophyll that gives the green color to the leaf. Root cells have hair extensions called root hairs. Leaves do not have these extensions. Root cells do not have pores. Leaves have pores that are guarded by two cells that are responsible for increasing and decreasing the size of the pores.

What color are the cells that fight germs in the body?

White. White blood cells are the cells in the body that fight off germs and infections.

How many cells are there in a root hair?

there are about thousands of root hairs

How do root hair cells communicate?

Root hair cells communicate through their instinct ;;;;;'''''''deil

What cells are in an onion tip but not the onion?

The cells in an onion tip but not the onion itself are usually actively dividing cells located at the growing tip of the onion root, known as the root cap cells. These cells help protect the delicate meristematic cells responsible for root growth and can often be found in the root zone of plants.

What is a colorless plastid mat stores starch?

A colorless plastid that stores starch is called a leucoplast. Leucoplasts are responsible for starch storage in plant cells and do not contain pigments like chlorophyll, hence they appear colorless.