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We all started out in Africa. We are ALL Africans by origin. Humans migrated out of Africa very roughly 100,000 years ago. As we spread across the planet, natural selection helped us adapt to different climates and different needs. The National Geographic Society has lots of excellent material on this.

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4mo ago

People have different skin colors due to the amount of melanin produced by their skin cells. Melanin is a pigment that helps protect the skin from harmful UV rays. The amount of melanin produced is determined by genetics and varies among individuals, resulting in a range of skin colors.

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14y ago

its in your jenes

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Q: Why are people different colours?
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How many different colours would the universal indicator go if the colours were methyl orange?


How did sir isaac newton influenced the way people thought about light?

he said that light consisted of different wavelengths and when it is passed through a prism the wave lengths get split up and form different colours

Are the colours always the same?

Colors can vary depending on the circumstances such as lighting conditions, display settings, and individual perception. The same color may appear differently to different people.

What are primary colors of light?

This Q&A is about light colours. Paint colours are substances, and different from light colours.If you hold up a glass prism to a beam of sunlight, you'll see the light form a rainbow of colours. This is called the spectrum. It consists of all the colours that make up "white" light.Although you might be able to see seven colours in the spectrum, the white light is really made up of three basic colours. These are called the primary colours because they cannot be made from any other colours. The primary colours of light are red-orange, green, and violet blue. The other colours you see in spectrums or rainbows are made by a mixture of the primary colours.When the naked eye looks at the spectrum, it can see three mixed colours, which are called secondary colours. The secondary colours in light are green-blue, yellow, and magenta-red. You can produce these colours by mixing the primary colours in certain combinations.

How many different colours would your indicator would go?

My indicator can display up to 16.7 million different colors.

Related questions

Why do Italian people paint their homes different colours?

Italian people paint there rooms all different colours because the havedifferent personalizes and think that it looks right to them.

What do fairies dislike?

Different fairies like different colours

How do you see different colours?

We see different colours because other colours are being absorbed.

How many colours does a parrot have?

It has many different colours

How many different colors can you get felt in?

You Can Get Felt In Many Different Colours. Especially The Colours In The RainBow.

What is the purpose of using different colours to represent different groups of people in double bar graphs?

It makes it easier to identify the different groups visually.

What color represents strength?

Strength is seen by different people as different colours. Red, blue, and black are all acceptable.

Do children tend to like bright or dark colors better?

well, it depends on the child really but most children i know do tend to like brighter colours. Or neutral colours, children like brighter colours because they are just exploring new and different colours and finding out who they are by what sort of colours they like. I loved bright colours! i loved being different to other people i also loved to stand out. I hope that has answered your question. x

Was the musical Hairspray aimed at racism?

Yes, it was teaching people to understand and accept people of different colours or races and those who are overweight!

Why do they have rings to symbolize the olympics?

The rings symbolise the five continents. They also symbolise the different skin colours of people.

Why are some cheddar cheeses yellow and some red?

They are made different colours and flavours as people like variety

What are the common colours people paint their houses in different countries?

It will all depend upon where you live. and personal taste.