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Because they are at higher altitudes so they face less friction.

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1w ago

Jet streams are high-altitude, narrow, fast-moving air currents that form where there is a large temperature difference between air masses. This temperature gradient creates strong pressure gradients that drive the fast winds of the jet stream. Additionally, the lack of surface friction at higher altitudes allows jet streams to move faster than other global winds.

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Q: Why are jet streams faster then other global winds?
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What is the difference between a jet streams and global wind belts?

Jet streams are narrow bands of very strong winds high up in the atmosphere, typically found at the boundaries of different air masses. Global wind belts, on the other hand, refer to the major wind patterns that encircle the Earth, such as the trade winds and the westerlies, which are driven by the Earth's rotation and the differential heating of the planet. Jet streams are a specific type of fast-moving wind within the broader framework of global wind belts.

Are the winds in jet streams the only high altitude winds?

No. High altitude winds are certainly strongest in the jets streams, but there is other wind.

What is the differ the jet stream and global wind?

jet streams travel above global winds. might not be a straight forward answer, but its something.

What is the difference between jet stream and global wind belts?

jet streams travel above global winds. might not be a straight forward answer, but its something.

Whats the difference between jet streams and global wind belts?

The difference between jet streams and global wind belts is jet streams is winds of high speed generally from the west that move 250 miles per hour. Global wind belts are created when the earth receives an unequal amount of heat from sunlight and the spinning of the earth.

What are the 5 major global winds?

The five major global winds are the trade winds, westerlies, easterlies, polar easterlies, and the jet streams. These winds play a crucial role in determining global weather patterns and circulation of the atmosphere.

Why do jet streams have a high velocity?

Because of the high altitude, these winds are not subject to much friction, hence they are faster than winds closer to earth's surface.

How are global winds and local find similar?

Global winds are local winds.

What are the 4 global winds that move air around the globe?

The four global winds that move air around the globe are the trade winds, westerlies, polar easterlies, and the jet streams. These winds play a crucial role in distributing heat and moisture across the Earth's surface and influencing weather patterns.

Global wind that blow west to east are called?

They're called westerlies. Good luck with your paper!

Are global winds constant?

Yes global winds are constant.

What are the effects of global warming on global winds?

Global warming can disrupt global wind patterns by changing temperature and pressure gradients in the atmosphere. This can lead to shifts in the jet stream, causing more frequent and intense weather events like storms and droughts. Additionally, warmer temperatures can alter the distribution of heat across the Earth's surface, influencing wind patterns.