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This is because infrared can travel farther with less distortion, i.e., it has less attenuation.

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4w ago

Infrared waves are used in fiber optics because they have a longer wavelength, allowing them to travel further distances without losing signal strength. Additionally, infrared waves are less susceptible to interference from external light sources, making them ideal for transmitting data over long distances in fiber optic cables.

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Q: Why are infrared waves used in fiber optics?
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What waves are used in an Iris scanner?

In an iris scanner, near-infrared light waves are typically used to capture the unique pattern of the iris. These waves are able to penetrate the outer layers of the eye to create a detailed image of the iris structure, which is then used for identification purposes.

How are fiber optics used in medicine?

Fiber optics are used in medicine for procedures such as endoscopy and minimally invasive surgery, where thin flexible fiber optic cables with a light source and camera can be inserted into the body to visualize internal organs or tissues. Fiber optics are also used in medical imaging techniques like confocal microscopy and optical coherence tomography for high-resolution imaging of cellular structures and tissues.

3 Briefly describe three applications of Fiber Optics?

Telecommunications: Fiber optics are commonly used for high-speed data transmission in telecommunications networks, allowing for faster and more reliable internet and phone services. Medical imaging: Fiber optics are used in endoscopes and other medical devices to enable minimally invasive procedures and provide high-resolution imaging inside the body. Military and aerospace: Fiber optics are used in military and aerospace applications for secure communication, surveillance, and data transmission due to their lightweight, small size, and immunity to electromagnetic interference.

What are light waves used for?

Light waves are used for various applications such as communication (fiber optics), lighting, photography, and medical imaging (X-rays, MRI). They are also crucial in technology like lasers, spectroscopy, and sensors.

How many parts of electromagnetic spectrum are used for communications?

Various parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are used for communications, including radio waves, microwaves, and light waves (in the form of fiber optics). These different parts of the spectrum are utilized for different types of communications depending on factors like distance, bandwidth, and signal strength requirements.

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Where is germanium used most?

Germanium is primarily used in the production of semiconductors for electronic devices such as transistors and diodes. It is also used in infrared optics, fiber optics, and as a catalyst in polymerization reactions.

What is the use of fiber optics?

Fiber optics is used for long distance communication due to its various advantages..

Where is germanium used?

Germanium is commonly used in the production of semiconductors for electronic devices such as transistors and diodes. It is also used in infrared optics and in some types of solar panels. Additionally, germanium is used in some types of fiber optics for its low optical dispersion properties.

What waves used in car remote?

Infrared waves

How are infrared waves and infrared radiation related?

Infrared waves are a type of electromagnetic waves that carry infrared radiation. Infrared radiation is a form of energy that is emitted or absorbed by objects as heat. Infrared waves have longer wavelengths than visible light and are commonly used in devices such as remote controls and infrared cameras.

How is the element germanium used?

Germanium is used in semiconductors and fiber optic technologies due to its electrical properties. It is also used in infrared optics, LED technologies, and solar panels. Additionally, germanium is used as a catalyst in organic chemistry reactions.

What was fiber optics used for?

Long Distance signal transmission!

What is so interesting about germanium the element?

Germanium is interesting because it is a metalloid that shares properties of both metals and non-metals. It has semiconducting properties that make it useful in electronic devices. Germanium was used in early transistors and has applications in fiber optics, infrared optics, and solar cells.

What technologies are incorporating fiber optics?

Fiber optics are being incorporated into many technologies. Computer network infrastructure and telecommunications have been some of the first to make use of fiber optics. It is also starting to be used for lighting in objects such as christmas trees and frisbees.

What are fiber-optics?

Fiber optics are cables that are used to transmit data at the speed of light. This uis especially popular with Verizon FiOS services. for details on fios go to

What instruments are used detect infrared waves?

Instruments such as infrared cameras, spectrometers, and photodetectors are commonly used to detect and measure infrared waves. These instruments can capture and analyze the thermal radiation emitted by objects at infrared frequencies.

What is infrared rays used for?

Radio waves