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Inside the gas giants of our solar system hydrogen and helium and other gases are liquids and solids not because of cold temperatures but because of the monumental pressure within the planet.

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Hydrogen and helium within giant planets are largely in a liquid state because the intense pressure within these planets compresses the gases to high densities, causing them to transition from gaseous to liquid states. The temperatures within giant planets are also high enough to keep hydrogen and helium in a liquid form.

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Q: Why are hydrogen and helium within the giant planets largely in liquid state?
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Is Jupiter mostly liquid?

Jupiter is a gas giant composed mostly of hydrogen and helium gases. It doesn't have a solid surface like rocky planets, but rather a dense atmosphere that transitions into a liquid layer deeper inside the planet.

What gases are the gas giant planets made mostly of?

Jupiter, the first gas giant from the sun. It's clouds are made out of simple gases like hydrogen,helium,carbon dioxide,water and methane,along with clouds of ammonia ice and ammonium hydrosulphide. There are winds up to 600km per hour,travelling in opposite directions which create the distinct bands. Saturn is composed entirely of hydrogen. The top layer is made up of ammonia crystals and below are ammonium hydrosulphide or water. Beneath the layer of cloud,the pressure is so intense that gas is compressed into a liquid. Uranus's atmoshere is mostly hydrogen and helium, with small quantities of methane. This allows the planet to be able to absorb the Sun's rays, giving the planets distinct blue colour. Neptune has no solid surface to land on. It may have a tiny core of rock.Neptune's atmosphere is mostly hydrogen and helium with traces of methane.

What is Jupiter's crust mad out of?

Jupiter does not have a solid surface or crust like rocky planets such as Earth. Instead, it is composed mainly of hydrogen and helium in its outer layers, with a possible rocky core at its center.

Is water the lightest liquid on earth?

No, water is not the lightest liquid on Earth. Liquid hydrogen and liquid helium are lighter than water because they have lower densities.

What is the word equation for liquid helium?

The word equation for liquid helium is: Helium gas → Liquid helium.

Related questions

What is colder helium or hydrogen?

Helium is colder than hydrogen at the same temperature because helium has a lower boiling point (-268.9 degrees Celsius) compared to hydrogen (-252.9 degrees Celsius).

What are the outer planets mostly made from?

Gasses and ice . (:

Which planets have a metallic hydrogen core?

It is hypothesized that gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn have metallic hydrogen cores deeper within their atmospheres. These cores are formed under extremely high pressure, where hydrogen behaves like a metal. However, direct evidence of these cores is still a subject of ongoing scientific research.

Why is helium for Pressurizing Liquid-Fuel Rockets?

Helium is used to pressurize liquid-fuel rockets because it is inert, lightweight, and non-corrosive, ensuring it does not react with the rocket's fuel or oxidizer. It helps maintain a steady flow of fuel and oxidizer to the engines by keeping the propellant tanks pressurized. Additionally, helium's low boiling point allows it to remain in a gaseous state at low temperatures, which is crucial for spacecraft operating in the vacuum of space.

Is Jupiter mostly liquid?

Jupiter is a gas giant composed mostly of hydrogen and helium gases. It doesn't have a solid surface like rocky planets, but rather a dense atmosphere that transitions into a liquid layer deeper inside the planet.

What is the primary composition of the gas giant atmospheres?

The primary composition of gas giant atmospheres is typically hydrogen and helium, with smaller amounts of methane, ammonia, and water vapor. These planets have thick layers of gas that gradually transition into a liquid or ice layer as you move towards the core.

What gases are the gas giant planets made mostly of?

Jupiter, the first gas giant from the sun. It's clouds are made out of simple gases like hydrogen,helium,carbon dioxide,water and methane,along with clouds of ammonia ice and ammonium hydrosulphide. There are winds up to 600km per hour,travelling in opposite directions which create the distinct bands. Saturn is composed entirely of hydrogen. The top layer is made up of ammonia crystals and below are ammonium hydrosulphide or water. Beneath the layer of cloud,the pressure is so intense that gas is compressed into a liquid. Uranus's atmoshere is mostly hydrogen and helium, with small quantities of methane. This allows the planet to be able to absorb the Sun's rays, giving the planets distinct blue colour. Neptune has no solid surface to land on. It may have a tiny core of rock.Neptune's atmosphere is mostly hydrogen and helium with traces of methane.

Which planets is made up of gas?

Jupiter and Saturn are gas giants composed primarily of hydrogen and helium. Uranus and Neptune are ice giants that have a smaller gas component but are primarily composed of water, ammonia, and methane.

Which planets contain liquid metalic hydrogen?

Saturn and Jupiter

What kind of liquid does Saturn have?

Saturn is made out of hydrogen (75%) and helium (25%).

What liquid has lowest density?


Do gas giant planets have solid cores?

Yes, gas giant planets like Jupiter and Saturn are believed to have small solid cores made of rock and metal surrounded by thick layers of gas. These cores are thought to be several times the mass of Earth and help in attracting and collecting the surrounding gas to form the massive atmospheres of these planets.