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Gravediggers are often consulted for weather forecasts because their work requires them to be outside in all types of weather conditions. They can provide information about current weather conditions and predictions based on their observations and experience working outside. Their insights can be valuable for predicting precipitation, temperature changes, and other weather patterns in their area.

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Q: Why are gravediggers often consulted for weather forecasts what information do they provide?
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How do weather forecasts act on weather?

Weather forecasts use data from satellites, weather stations, and computer models to predict future weather conditions. The forecasts provide information on temperature, precipitation, wind speed, and atmospheric pressure, which can help individuals and organizations prepare for upcoming weather events. By providing timely and accurate information, weather forecasts can help people make informed decisions to stay safe and mitigate any potential impacts of changing weather patterns.

Where can one get global weather forecasts?

The following websites provide global weather forecasts for free: World Weather Online, CNN, BBC, International Weather, weather-forecast and worldweather.

Why are weather forecasts important to aviators?

Weather forecasts are important to aviators because they provide crucial information on conditions like wind speed, visibility, cloud cover, and precipitation. This information helps pilots make informed decisions on flight routes, altitudes, and fuel planning to ensure the safety of their flight. Ignoring weather forecasts can put the aircraft and passengers at risk.

When will it snow in Rayleigh Essex in 2012?

I'm unable to provide specific weather forecasts for a particular location on a specific date in the past. Try checking historical weather records for that information.

Is it going to snow in Oxfordshire on January 30th 2012?

I do not have the ability to provide real-time weather information or forecasts for specific dates in the past. For historical weather data, you can consult weather archives or online resources that store past weather information.

Related questions

Where can one find Forex forecasts?

Forex forecasts are found online on various websites that Forex services. You can find the forecasts in various listings that provide lots of information.

Who can you cosult with about a liver cleansing diet?

A liver cleansing diet can be consulted with a health doctor. There are also resources and information online that provide the information about the diet.

Who are the gravediggers in the book of night?

The gravediggers in Shakespeare's play "Hamlet" are characters who appear in Act 5, Scene 1. These gravediggers are a comic relief duo who provide dark humor and commentary on death and mortality while digging Ophelia's grave. Their banter adds a lighthearted touch to the otherwise tragic events unfolding in the play.

Does one of the Characters in the tragedy of Hamlet bring any relief?

Polonius and the gravediggers in Hamlet provide comic relief.

What does retrieval date mean?

The retrieval date refers to the date on which you accessed a particular source of information, such as a website or database. This information is typically included in citations to provide context about when the source was consulted.

Where would one find information regarding gold price forecasts?

A reputable business website like Bloomberg can provide a person with knowledge and insight on the possible trends of gold in the future. News sites like The Guardian and Telegraph also provide similar information.

Which websites provide local forecasts of the weather in Tenerife?

World weather online provide local forecasts of the weather in Tenerife. Also you can check the weather from the government met office site, as well as the local myweather2 site.

What provides other researchers with a list of your sources for more information?

A bibliography or a list of references can provide other researchers with a list of sources used for more information. This allows others to locate and verify the sources you have consulted in your research.

What is the definition of reference source?

A reference source is a publication or resource used to provide quick and authoritative information on a particular topic. It typically includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, and other reference materials that are consulted for facts, definitions, or background information.

Which websites provide reliable Phoenix weather forecasts?

There are several online sites that offer reliable weather forecasts for the Phoenix Arizona area. Some sites with Phoenix weather forecasts include the National Weather Service, The Weather Channel, and Accu Weather.

Where can one get global weather forecasts?

The following websites provide global weather forecasts for free: World Weather Online, CNN, BBC, International Weather, weather-forecast and worldweather.

Are long-range weather forecasts more reliable than short-range forecasts?

Short-range weather forecasts are generally more reliable than long-range forecasts due to the increased uncertainty associated with predicting weather patterns further into the future. Short-range forecasts typically utilize more current data and are able to provide more accurate predictions based on real-time conditions. Long-range forecasts often have lower accuracy due to the complexity of predicting weather patterns beyond a few days.