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the heat during the 'transformation' melts the rock into magma and therefore distorts the fossil.

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3w ago

Fossils in metamorphic rocks can become distorted due to the intense heat and pressure that metamorphic rocks undergo during formation. These conditions can cause the mineral composition of the rock to rearrange, which in turn can distort the shape of any fossils present.

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Q: Why are fossils in metamorphic rocks sometimes distorted?
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Why do metamorphic rocks often contain fossils?

Metamorphic rocks can contain fossils if the original sedimentary rock that contained the fossils underwent high temperatures and pressures during the metamorphic process without completely erasing the fossil imprints. The fossils may be partially preserved due to the heat and pressure but are often distorted or recrystallized, making them difficult to recognize.

Is it true that Fossils are frequently found in metamorphic rock?

No, fossils are typically not found in metamorphic rocks. Metamorphic rocks form from the alteration of existing rocks due to heat and pressure, which can destroy any fossils present. Fossils are more commonly found in sedimentary rocks where the conditions for preservation are more favorable.

What kinds of rocks do you not find fossils in and why?

Igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks, because the intense heat and pressure destroys fossils.

Does igneous sedimentary and metamorphic rocks contain fossils?

Igneous rocks do not typically contain fossils because they form from molten material. Sedimentary rocks are the most likely to contain fossils, as they are formed from the accumulation of sediment where organisms can become buried and preserved. Metamorphic rocks, which are formed under high heat and pressure, can sometimes contain fossils that have undergone significant changes.

Why aren't fossils from metamorphic rocks useful?

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Are fossils found in sedimentary and metamorphic rocks?

no, fossils are found only in sedimentary rock.

In what type of rocks could you find fossils?

Fossils are principally found in sedimentary rocks and also in some metamorphic rocks of sedimentary origin.

What type of rocks can contain fossils on them?

Sedimentary rocks. and metamorphic rocks made form sedimentary rocks.

More often than metamorphic or igneous rocks sedimentary rocks have?

Distinct visible layers and can contain fossils due to their formation process involving the accumulation and compression of sediments over time. Sedimentary rocks also often exhibit high porosity and permeability, making them important reservoirs for water and hydrocarbons.

Can you find broken fossils in metamorpic rocks?

yes you can find broken fossils in metamorphic rics

Why fossils are rarely found in metamorphic and igneous rocks?

This is because igneous and metamorphic rocks are created under extreme heat and pressure, and very few fossils would survive those conditions. The most common forms of fossils are those found in sedimentary rocks.

Why is it rare to fine fossils in metamorphic rocks?

Fossils abound in sedimentary rock, you are in fact very likely to find them there.