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Fossil fuels are a specific type of fuel that is made up of prehistoric animals and plants. This type of fuel is considered finite and non-renewable because they take millions of years to create.

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Q: Why are fossil fuels 'finite' and 'non-renewable'?
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How Fossil fuels renewable or nonrenewable benefits?

Fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas are nonrenewable resources because they are finite and take millions of years to form. However, their benefits lie in their high energy content, which makes them efficient for power generation and transportation. This has allowed for rapid industrialization and economic growth but has also led to environmental concerns such as air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

Why fossil fuels are said to be finite?

because they are finite;)

Why are fossil fuels a nonrenewable resource?

Fossil fuels are nonrenewable resources because they are formed over millions of years from the decomposition of organic materials such as plants and animals. The rate at which fossil fuels are consumed far exceeds the rate at which they are naturally replenished, making them finite and unsustainable in the long term. Once they are extracted and burned, they cannot be replaced within a human lifespan.

Why are the fossil fuels sometimes called finite fuels?

Fossil fuels are sometimes called finite fuels because they are formed over millions of years from the remains of ancient plants and animals. As a result, they exist in limited quantities in the Earth's crust and cannot be replenished within a short timeframe, making them finite resources. Once these fossil fuels are depleted, they cannot be easily replaced, leading to concerns about energy security and sustainability.

What is a a nonrenewable energy source?

Fossil fuels.

Why researchers are finding ways for alternatives to fossil fuels?

because fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource that does pollut

What are nonrenewable resources made from decayed plants?

fossil fuels

How do you make up a sentence using the word nonrenewable?

Fossil fuels are nonrenewable resources.

What are the fossil fuels of nonrenewable sources?

The main fossil fuels of nonrenewable sources are coal, oil (petroleum), and natural gas. These fuels are formed from the remains of plants and animals that decayed millions of years ago and are finite in quantity, making them nonrenewable resources.

A nonrenewable energy resource formed from the remains of organisms that lived long ago?

One example of a nonrenewable energy resource formed from ancient organisms is fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. These resources are finite and take millions of years to form, making them unsustainable for long-term energy needs.

Does Australia have enough fossil fuels to last forever?

I would have to say no, because no fossil fuels last forever, as they are nonrenewable resources and the definition of nonrenewable is that they will eventually become nonexistent.

Why is the supply of fossil fuels limited?

The supply of fossil fuels is limited because they are formed from organic materials like plants and animals that take millions of years to break down and transform into coal, oil, and gas. Since fossil fuels are being extracted and burned at a much faster rate than they are being replenished, their reserves are depleting rapidly.