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The transfer of food energy from the source in plants through a series of organisms with repeated eating and being eaten is the Food Chain. The interlocking pattern of Food Chains makes up the Food Web. It's called a food WEB because its a web of interconnecting food chains.That why the food chain is important. THANK YOU FOR ASKING.

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4mo ago

Food webs are formed from food chains because organisms in an ecosystem often have multiple food sources and predators. A food web shows all the interconnected feeding relationships among different organisms in an ecosystem, providing a more complete picture of energy flow than a single food chain. This complexity helps to illustrate the interdependence and dynamics of an ecosystem.

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14y ago

We have foodweb because it is indeed necessary for every individual to know how a particular specie survives. Also to know that its survival sources are also sources of the others.

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14y ago

Food chains merge together to form food webs. This is because each animal eats more than one species of plant or animal.

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Q: Why are food webs are formed from food chains?
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What complex feeding relationships are formed from overlaping and interconnected food chains?

Complex feeding relationships such as food webs are formed when multiple food chains overlap and intertwine within an ecosystem. This creates a more intricate network of feeding interactions among various species, leading to a more resilient and stable ecosystem. In a food web, each organism can be part of multiple food chains, resulting in a more realistic representation of the complexity of energy flow in nature.

How are food chains and food webs structured?

Food chains show a linear relationship of who eats whom, while food webs illustrate a network of interconnected food chains within an ecosystem. In a food chain, energy flows from one organism to the next in a straight line, while in a food web, multiple organisms are connected in complex ways, capturing the interdependence of species in an ecosystem. Food webs are more realistic representations of the flow of energy and nutrients in nature compared to food chains.

What impact do rabbits have on food chains and food webs in Australian habitats?

Rabbits can have a detrimental impact on food chains and food webs in Australian habitats by outcompeting native species for food resources, causing a decrease in vegetation cover and altering habitat structure. This can lead to a decline in populations of native species that rely on the same resources, disrupting predator-prey relationships and overall ecosystem balance.

Importance of food chains and webs?

Food webs are important because they show how energy passes from one animal to another and it tell scientists more about the animals.

What are interconnected food chains called?

Interconnected food chains are known as a food web, which consists of multiple interconnected food chains showing the flow of energy through an ecosystem.

Related questions

What do food webs show us what food chains dont?

Food webs and food chains are mostly the same

How are food chansand food webs different?

Food chains and food webs are different. This is because the webs have more relative food choices whereas the chains are limited.

Why is there competition in food chains and food webs?

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How does food chains relate to science?

Food webs

What does the food webs mean?

it shows how food chains are related.

What do you call it when may food chains link?

food webs.

Why do ecologists use food chains and food webs?

Ecological Pyramids.

What is the same about food chain and food webs?

A food web is many food chains.

Food chains and webs not only describe the order in which organisms are eatenbut they also describe?

Food chains and webs not only describe the order in which organisms are eaten, but they also describe the _____.

What are two main food webs?

aquatic and terrestrial The chains

What will eventually end all food chains and webs?


What is a good website to get food webs or food chains off of?

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