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Flowers help our environment. If you've heard of global warming then this is one reason flowers help our environment. They reduce the amount of carbon in our atmosphere thus lowering our "Carbon footprint". Any type of plant or tress help our environment too. Flowers are also pretty. So they can make a great looking scenery for other people. If you have ever seen a poor looking area would.t it look nicer filled with flowers?

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4mo ago

Planting flowers can help the environment by providing food and shelter for pollinators like bees and butterflies, which are essential for pollinating plants. Flowers also absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen through photosynthesis, helping to improve air quality. Additionally, planting flowers can help to create habitats for beneficial insects and increase biodiversity in an area.

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12y ago

Flowers reproduce and their seeds are spread all over. Not all flowers grow on bushes so they grow into trees. More trees = More air. More air = more people. More people = More flowers planted etc.

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13y ago

Flowers are a more recent adaptation acquired by plants for reproduction. It is the best reproductive structure a plant can have, which is why there are more angiosperms, or plants that use flowers for reproduction, in the world than any other type of plant.

Flowers allow plants to reproduce more efficiently because they require animal pollination. In this way, plants are better suited to their environment on Earth. Plants used to live only in water, but now plants can live even in deserts. If flowers had not been used, plants would have had a harder time living in the Earth's changing environment, and the world's plant population would not be as large as it is today. And without plants, food would disappear, and all animals would die out, including humans. This is why flowers are important: without them, we could all be dead.

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15y ago

They also provide air. Just like trees they just don't provide as much air as trees and they don't take up as much room.

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Q: How can planting flowers help the environment?
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How do you plant flowers to stop pollution?

Planting flowers alone may not directly stop pollution, but it can contribute to improving air quality by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen. To help mitigate pollution, consider planting a variety of native plants that can thrive in your area and attract pollinators to support the local ecosystem. Additionally, reducing the use of pesticides and other harmful chemicals can further contribute to a healthier environment.

How does planting flowers help bees?

Planting flowers provides bees with a source of nectar and pollen, which are essential for their survival. By creating a diverse and abundant food source, flowers help to support bee populations and promote their health. In turn, bees play a crucial role in pollinating flowers, allowing them to reproduce and produce seeds.

Why do you have to plant flowers?

Planting flowers contributes to biodiversity by providing food and habitat for pollinators like bees and butterflies. Flowers also beautify the environment and can improve mental well-being by creating a more visually appealing and calming atmosphere.

What are the best flowers to plant in April?

July is too late to plant unless you are planting parenials, if you are planting anuals plant late may or June

How can you prevent erosion by planting grass flowers or trees?

Planting grass, flowers, or trees can help prevent erosion by providing root systems that hold soil in place, absorb water, and reduce the impact of rainfall on the soil surface. The roots of plants also help to increase soil stability and reduce the chance of soil being washed away by water. Additionally, the canopy of trees and plants can help to break the impact of raindrops, reducing soil compaction and erosion.

Related questions

How can planting flowers help the world?

so bees can pollonate

Does planting flowers help deforestation?

No, you need to plant trees.

What month do people begin planting flowers?

It can depend on the flowers you are planting.

When is it the best time to plant flowers in Virginia?

The time you plant flowers depends on the type of flowers you are planting. An almanac can help you determine the best times to plant anything.

How do you make a great environment in Animal Crossing wild world?

If you want a great environment in Animal Crossing, start by planting as many flowers as possible everyday. Plant the flowers everywhere! Also, make sure there is NO weeds, tires or cans anywhere in your town. Planting trees is also a good idea, but not too many.

How are flowers helpful for the environment?

Flowers are extremely helpful for the environment. Flowers put oxygen back into the air, making the air we all breathe much cleaner and safer. By planting flowers and saving our natural resources such as flowers, we are able to increase and save our natural resources. We want to use our natural resources as wisely as possible to protect our environment and make the world a more beautiful place.

What flowers help the environment?

Roses help the environment by creating more oxygen and less carbon dioxide.

Does wind help out with the environment?

Since flowers are part of the environment...wind does help out. Wind helps out by carrying pollen to another flower. And when wind does that it creates more flowers!:)

How do you get snookums what do you do and besides planting flowers?

idk how to attract snookums but all i know is that there is no other way to get him besides flowers.... sorry, this probably wasn't much help.

Does companion planting help the garden environment?

Yes off course , because through companionship we can able to finish quickly our planting or any works..

How can you help save the honeybees?

By planting bee friendly flowers, shrubs and trees in your garden and not using insecticides on those plants.

How do you plant flowers to stop pollution?

Planting flowers alone may not directly stop pollution, but it can contribute to improving air quality by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen. To help mitigate pollution, consider planting a variety of native plants that can thrive in your area and attract pollinators to support the local ecosystem. Additionally, reducing the use of pesticides and other harmful chemicals can further contribute to a healthier environment.