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Rick Satterfield

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2y ago
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11y ago

The mass of electrons is very small (around 1820 times smaller) and is negligible when compared to the mass of protons or neutrons. Hence the mass of electrons are not used to determine mass number or Atomic Mass.

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11y ago

Firstly lets look at the volume. Electrons "orbit" the central nucleus of the atom. The apparent volume of an atom is determined by this electron cloud. The size of the atomic nucleus is relatively speaking very small. For the hydrogen atom for example the atomic cloud is 145,000 times the diameter of the nucleus.

Secondly lets look at the masses.

The nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons that are essentially the same mass, actually neutrons are very slightly heavier. Whereas in comparison the electron is only 0.00054 of the mass of a neutron.

If you take Carbon-12 with 6 protons and 6 neutrons and only 6 electrons contribution of the electron to the overall atomic mass is very small.

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13y ago

The atom is the tiniest organism in the world.

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15y ago

They're pretty much insignificant. A proton has 1,837 times the mass of an electron. Ignoring the electron's mass just doesn't make much difference.

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14y ago

Explain why electrons make up much of an atom's volume but not much of its mass?

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13y ago

Because electrons weigh so little that its not worth counting them.

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13y ago

Yes, although very very tiny.

The mass of an electron is 9.11*10^-31 kg

The volume of an electron is believed to be (I cannot find a solid certain source) 9.4*10^-44 m^3

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Q: Why are electrons not used to determine the mass number or atomic mass of atoms?
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The equivalence is with the atomic number.

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The atomic number of an element _is_ the number of electrons in one of its atoms. Indeed, a sample of an element can be defined as any combination of atoms with the same atomic number. Oxygen is the element with atomic number 8. It is the element whose atoms have 8 electrons in their neutral state (and 8 protons).

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The number of electrons is equal to the number of protons in that atom. An easy way to view that is with the Bohr Model.

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