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Decomposers are VERY important in the food web or cycle. They are important because they feed other animals who are in desperate need of food. All though to see a decomposer is really disgusting, animals sure do love to find and eat.

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14y ago
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4w ago

Decomposers are important in the nutrient cycle because they break down organic material, such as dead plants and animals, into simpler substances. This breakdown releases nutrients back into the soil, making them available for plants to absorb and use for growth. Without decomposers, nutrients would be locked up in dead matter and not returned to the ecosystem.

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13y ago

Cos they are like eatins the dead orgys, and then they like release nutrients soo ofers can create new life. Init

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Q: Why are decomposers important in food nutrient cycle?
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How are producers consumers and decomposers each important to Earth?

Producers, like plants, are important because they convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis which is the basis of most ecosystems. Consumers, like animals, depend on producers for food and energy, playing a crucial role in transferring energy through the food chain. Decomposers, like bacteria and fungi, break down dead plants and animals into nutrients that can be used by producers again, completing the nutrient cycle.

How food nutrients cycle goes on and on in a forest ecosystem?

It is important in order for the ecosystem to produce more from the soil after the decomposers have gotten the nutrients back into the soil.

What role do savengers and decomposers play in the food chain?

Scavengers and decomposers play a crucial role in the food chain by breaking down and recycling organic matter. Scavengers consume dead animals or plants, helping to clean up the environment and prevent the spread of disease. Decomposers like bacteria and fungi break down organic matter into nutrients that can be used by plants, completing the cycle of energy flow and nutrient recycling.

What are the roles of producers and decomposers in a food web?

Producers, like plants and algae, convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis, forming the base of the food web by producing organic compounds. Decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi, break down dead organisms and organic matter into simpler compounds, recycling nutrients back into the ecosystem for the producers to use again. Both producers and decomposers play essential roles in energy flow and nutrient cycling within the food web.

How are producers decomposers and consumers are alike?

the each are inthe life cycle

Related questions

What is the role played by decomposers in the food nutrient cycle?

Decomposers break complex organic compound and help in recycling of nutrient materials .

What is the role of decomposers in food nutrient cycle?

taga kain syempre ano pba

How the food nutrient cycle goes on and on in a forests ecosystem?

It is important in order for the ecosystem to produce more from the soil after the decomposers have gotten the nutrients back into the soil.

What food nutrients do the producers in the constructed food nutrient cycle contain?

the answer is the food nutrients si do with producers if the food is constructed of nutrient cycle?

How are producers consumers and decomposers each important to Earth?

Producers, like plants, are important because they convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis which is the basis of most ecosystems. Consumers, like animals, depend on producers for food and energy, playing a crucial role in transferring energy through the food chain. Decomposers, like bacteria and fungi, break down dead plants and animals into nutrients that can be used by producers again, completing the nutrient cycle.

Why are you considered a part of food nutrient cycle?

they considered part of food nutrient cycle becausefood all living things need food

How do you make a food nutrients cycle?

Food nutrient cycle is on where the nutrients in the producers are passes onto many different links of consumers and when the final consumer dies, decomposers such as fungi and bacteria consume the dead body and the nutrients go back to the soil fertilizing it to be used by plants and the cycle goes on and on.Remember:a cycle never has a start or an end

How food nutrients cycle goes on and on in the forest ecosystem?

how the food nutrient cycle goes on and on in a forest ecosystem

In any ecosystem, decomposers are important for all BUT one of the following?

Decomposers are important in all ecosystems because they break down organic matter into simple nutrients that can be recycled by producers. Their role is vital in nutrient cycling and maintaining the balance of the ecosystem.

How food nutrients cycle goes on and on in a forest ecosystem?

It is important in order for the ecosystem to produce more from the soil after the decomposers have gotten the nutrients back into the soil.

What are the nutrient sources for some decomposers?

Decomposers, such as fungi and some bacteria, use waste products (feces) from other organisms and other the dead bodies of other organisms as food.

Explain how the food nutrient cycle goes on and on in a forest ecosystem?
