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Dark igneous rocks usually have higher amounts of heavier elements such as iron. Light-colored igneous rocks tend to be richer in lighter elements like sodium and aluminum.

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Q: Why are dark igneous rocks heaver then light igneous rocks?
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In general how does the density of a light colored igneous rock differ from that of a dark colored igneous rock?

Light-coloured igneous rocks, such as granite, have a higher silica content and lower iron and magnesium than darker ones, such as basalt. Since iron and magnesium are very dense minerals, this makes darker igneous rocks more dense than lighter ones.

Light colored igneous rocks are less what than dark igneous rocks?

Dense. Light colored igneous rocks have lower density compared to dark colored igneous rocks due to their higher silica content, which results in slower cooling and the formation of larger crystals.

What are dark colored igneous rocks called?

Dark colored igneous rocks are called mafic rocks. This includes types like basalt and gabbro, which have high concentrations of magnesium and iron minerals, giving them their characteristic dark color.

What this different between acid igneous rock and basic igneous rock?

Acidic igneous rocks have a higher silica content and lower magnesium and iron content compared to basic igneous rocks. Acidic rocks are typically light in color and have a higher viscosity, meaning they are more resistant to flow. Basic rocks, on the other hand, have a lower silica content, higher magnesium and iron content, and are typically dark in color with lower viscosity.

Do scientists classify rocks by their color?

yes,either felsic if light coloured or mafic if dark cloured.we classify rocks like that especially igneous rocks but COLOR IS NEVER USED TO IDENTIFY ANY ROCK.only classification.

Related questions

How does the density of a light colored igneous rock differ from that of a dark colored igneous rock?

Normally, light colored igneous rocks are less dense compared to dark colored igneous rocks. This is because the light colored rocks have a less iron in them.

Light-colored igneous rocks are less what than dark-colored igneous rocks are?

less dense

How does the density of a light colored rock differ from the density of dark colored rock?

Normally, light colored igneous rocks are less dense compared to dark colored igneous rocks. This is because the light colored rocks have a less iron in them.

In general how does the density of a light colored igneous rock differ from that of a dark colored igneous rock?

Light-coloured igneous rocks, such as granite, have a higher silica content and lower iron and magnesium than darker ones, such as basalt. Since iron and magnesium are very dense minerals, this makes darker igneous rocks more dense than lighter ones.

Light colored igneous rocks are less what than dark igneous rocks?

Dense. Light colored igneous rocks have lower density compared to dark colored igneous rocks due to their higher silica content, which results in slower cooling and the formation of larger crystals.

Why are dark colored igneous rocks heavier than light colored ones?

As a first approximation, the colour of igneous rocks gives an estimate of the concentration of iron in it. Very dark igneous rocks commonly a large fraction of minerals with iron as a major constituent. As those minerals are denser than most other silicate minerals occuring in igneous rocks, dark colored igenous rocks are usually denser than the ligher ones.

Why are some igneous rocks dark and why are some dark?

i dont no

What is dark colored rocks called?


What property is common to most dark-colored igneous rocks?

Most dark-colored igneous rocks are mafic, which means they are rich in minerals like pyroxene, olivine, and amphibole. These minerals give the rocks their dark color due to higher iron and magnesium content. Additionally, dark-colored igneous rocks are typically extrusive, forming from rapid cooling at the Earth's surface.

Mafic igneous rocks tend to form?

Dark colored rocks.

Why are some igneous rock dark and other light?

The color of igneous rocks is determined by their mineral composition. Dark-colored igneous rocks, like basalt, contain minerals that are rich in iron and magnesium, which give them their dark appearance. Light-colored igneous rocks, like granite, tend to have higher concentrations of quartz and feldspar minerals, which are lighter in color. Overall, the mineral content and composition of the rock influence its color.

What are dark colored igneous rocks called?

Dark colored igneous rocks are called mafic rocks. This includes types like basalt and gabbro, which have high concentrations of magnesium and iron minerals, giving them their characteristic dark color.