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A controlled experiment means that you try to keep all the variables that are involved in the experiment under control apart from the Dependent and the Independent variables to make sure that any results obtained from the experiment have been affected by the independent variable and not some other extraneous variable. It also ensures that the experiment would have high validity. That is, if the experiment has really measured what it was supposed to measure.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

A controlled experiment is an experiment where you take into account multiple variables and there affects on the experiment in order to determine what exactly affects the experiment and how. This is important because it helps eliminate errors caused by assuming information. For example if you hypothesize balls bounce because they are round, you would have multiple round balls of different weights and sizes, to verify your hypothesis.

That is to say you are testing the aspect in question to verify your hypothesis.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

A controlled experiment is important to science because an uncontrolled experiment may lead to many errors and mistakes that effect the whole process of doing an experiment or lab. It is easier to control certain variables than not controlling a specific or any variables in an experiment.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

A control group is needed to set a base line for the experiment. Without a control group, there is nothing to base the experiment from.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

If you do not have a control,then you cannot compare your test results.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Controls are important in an experiment because they are the way that the experiment is kept fair

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βˆ™ 13y ago

A controlled experiment is useful because it is an experiment in which only one variable, the manipulated variable, is deliberately changed at a time.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The control is the object you compare the other trials to. It is important because, without something to compare to, you won't have correct data.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

It is important to have controlled variables in a scientific experiment because it is the variable that remains the same it doesn't change. Its a consent & can be measured against.

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An investigation in science that is controlled is an experiment. The group within the experiment that is controlled is the control group.

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A controlled experiment is better than a none controlled experiment because you can control one of them and the other you can't. Science is a really fun subject.

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The controlled variable is the variable that is kept constant , meaning not changed, throughout the entire experiment.

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An investigation in science that is controlled is an experiment. The group within the experiment that is controlled is the control group. A control experiment is designed to check or correct the results of a previous experiment. It does this by removing the variable or variables operating in the other experiment. The comparison obtained is an indication or measurement of the effect of the variables concerned

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Controlled group is a group that is separated from the rest of the experiment. This is done in science.

Why is a controlled group important to a controlled experiment?

Because without it, it wouldn't be organized.

What is the word that defines an investigation that is controlled?

The word that defines an investigation that is controlled is "regulated."

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it science

Why is a controlled variable important in a controlled experiment?

because knowing what is the difference between objects and produres and data is important