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Q: Why are coal oil natural gases call fossil fuels?
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Why do some people call it buried sunshine?

Some people call it "buried sunshine" because fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas were formed from ancient plants and animals that captured energy from the sun through photosynthesis millions of years ago. When these fossil fuels are burned, they release that stored energy in the form of heat and light, hence the nickname "buried sunshine."

Which fuels produce the most air pollution?

Both coal and petroleum are worse than natural gas. Without any scrubbers, the worst air polluter is coal. With scrubbers, it's a tough call. Oil in the form of gasoline, emits huge amounts of greenhouse gases. On a btu basis, I would suggest coal is the worst. See related link.

What do you call those people that turn fossil fuels into fuel?


Which biogeochemical cycle includes a reservoir underground stored as fossil fuels?

The carbon cycle includes a reservoir underground stored as fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. These fossil fuels store carbon that was once part of living organisms and play a significant role in the exchange of carbon between the geosphere and the atmosphere.

Where are fossil fuels mainly used?

fossil fuels are mainly used in power plants to create energy some of these fossil fuels could be coal etc. Fossil fuels burnt make 2 different gasses witch rise and make rain witch is call acid rain . Witch can damage wildlife and other things. The truth is that fossil fuels are mainly used to feed thing that are destined to become fossils. Anything else is a myth as oil is abiotic.

How do plants and animals store energy found in fossil fuels?

Plants and animals both store energy found in fossil fuels by going threw a system call cell fertilization thru out their life.

What is wrong with fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels contribute to air and water pollution, emit greenhouse gases leading to climate change, and are finite resources that contribute to geopolitical conflicts over energy sources. Additionally, extracting and burning fossil fuels can harm human health and ecosystems.

Why does fossil fuels have that name?

This is not so. The term Fossil Fuel was coined by DJ Rockafeller who wanted to manipulate the markets and had organisations could agree to the term so that he couldf make a killing on what is in actual fact natural fuels generated by our planet. This has nothing to do with dinosaurs or similar being fossilized!

What are examples of depleating natural resources?

Examples of depleting natural resources include fossil fuels like oil, coal, and natural gas, as well as water resources, forests, and certain minerals like copper and gold. Overexploitation and unsustainable consumption are some of the main causes leading to their depletion.

Was water used as fuels?

yes some people still use them today and it is call water gas!! this is important because we are not going to have fossil fuels forever so there will be a point when we use renewable sources.

What is the name for the type of energy formed in fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels are stores of chemical energy. The chemicals are various hydrocarbons. The original source of the energy locked in these chemicals is Sunlight. The fuel formed from the remains of plankton that were buried beneath the Earth millions of years ago. Geothermal processes converted the remains of living creatures to the hydrocarbons that we now call fossil fuels. Fossils do not make energy. Fossils are usually from larger animals and plants, but the term fossil fuel is one of common usage.

Why is uranium used instead of other fossil fuels?

Uranium is a source of nuclear energy, which is a low-carbon alternative to fossil fuels like coal and oil. Nuclear power plants produce electricity without producing greenhouse gases, making them a cleaner option for generating electricity. Uranium also has a high energy density, meaning a small amount can produce a significant amount of energy.