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Actually room temperature nuclear fusion has been verified by reputable scientists, but it only works with muonic-hydrogen. This is hydrogen with its electron replaced by a muon, a particle identical to the electron except that it weighs 200 times as much. Because of the extra mass the muon orbits the proton much closer than the electron does. This allows muonic-hydrogen nuclei to collide and fuse at room temperature.

However it takes far more energy to make the muons and replace them for the electrons than can be obtained from the fusion.

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9mo ago

Claims that nuclear fusion occurs at room temperature are unrealistic because the process of nuclear fusion typically requires extremely high temperatures and pressures to overcome the electrostatic repulsion between positively charged atomic nuclei. These conditions are typically only found in the core of stars or in experimental fusion reactors. Achieving nuclear fusion at room temperature would require a fundamentally different approach or breakthrough in our understanding of physics.

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