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Because a scientist need serious, reproductible, reliable data to elaborate a theory, to emit conclusions etc..

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Q: Why are careful accurate observations necessary in chemistry practical work?
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Why are carefulaccurate observation necessary in chemistry practical work?

why are careful, accurate observations necessary in chemistry practical work.

What is obseving?

Observation: The act or instance of noticing and perceiving.Observation- capturing what is there and using as many of the 5 senses that you can safely use. multiple senses are necessary for accurate observations.

How do you extend your ability to make observations?

Practice improves your ability to make accurate observations.

Can you make inferences without making observations first why?

No, inferences are conclusions drawn based on observed evidence or facts. Without making observations first, there is no basis to draw logical conclusions or make accurate inferences. Observations provide the necessary information to make sense of a situation and draw meaningful conclusions.

Why is it necessary to make clear accurate record of all observations?

To be able to consult the data later, to talk seriously with others about the experiment, to compare experiments and results, to support arguments, etc.

Why is it important for scientists to make careful observations and to keep accurate record?

So They Can Have The Accurate Answers

Why is it important for scientist to make careful observations and to keep accurate records?

So They Can Have The Accurate Answers

Why is it important for a scientist to make careful observations and to keep accurate records?

So They Can Have The Accurate Answers

Why are good observations important to a scientific investigation?

Because good observations ensure accurate data and valid conclusions.

When do you say that a measurement is accurate?

When theoritical and practical values are same it can be said that our measurment is accurate.

What is a way to make observations more accurate?

eat dick and explode

What is important for observations to be accurate and carefully recorded?

Accurate and carefully recorded observations require attention to detail, objectivity, consistency, and proper documentation. It is important to record observations in real-time, avoid assumptions, use descriptive language, and ensure that the information is clear, complete, and unambiguous. Regular training and supervision can also help improve the quality of observations.