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The have completely filled valence orbitals, generally chemically inert and hence considered to be noble.

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3w ago

Argon and krypton are considered noble gases because they have a full outer electron shell, making them stable and non-reactive. Since they already have a full outer shell, they do not readily form compounds with other elements. This lack of reactivity is what distinguishes them as noble gases.

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Q: Why are argon and krypton considered noble gases but not usually found in compounds?
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Do nobel gasses form covalent bonds?

they do not for compounds except for xenon, krypton and argon. These compounds are all very unstable. The first compounds of xenon and krypton were found 50 years ago, and compounds of argon only in the last 15 years.

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Yes, krypton is heavier than argon. Krypton has an atomic number of 36 and a higher atomic mass than argon, which has an atomic number of 18.

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The element that has the same number of electrons as argon is Krypton (Kr). Both argon (Ar) and krypton (Kr) have 18 electrons in their neutral state.

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Argon is an inert gas and is usually unreactive, so it does not typically combine with other elements or form compounds under normal conditions.

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Argon is chemically inert and does not form compounds

Why the chemical properties of argon krypton and xenon are similar even though there are 18 elements between argon and krypton and 32 elements between krypton and xenon?

All have the outermost shell of electrons completely filled.