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The higher osmotic potential in the plant cells (root hairs and its surrounding cells) is the cause of entering water in plants from the soil by endo-osmosis. Once the water reaches near xylem it is pulled upward by cohesion force. And thus the continuity of water entring in the root is maintained.

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3d ago

Water enters continuously into the root xylem through a process called transpiration. Transpiration is the movement of water from the roots, up through the plant, and out through small pores in the leaves called stomata. This creates a negative pressure in the xylem, causing water to be pulled up from the roots to replace the water lost through transpiration.

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Q: Why and how does the water enters continuosly in root xylem?
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How is osmosis involved in supplying water for photosynthesis in the leaf?

Because osmosis is related to the movement of water molecules.

How does water get into the xylem vessels in roots?

Water enters the xylem vessels in roots primarily through a process called osmosis, where water moves from an area of higher water potential in the soil to an area of lower water potential in the root cells. This movement is facilitated by root hairs and specialized cells in the root, such as the endodermis. Additionally, the process of transpiration in leaves creates a negative pressure in the xylem, which helps pull water up from the roots.

How does water enter leaves?

Water is absorbed by the roots of the plant and moves up through the stem to the leaves via a network of tissues called xylem vessels. Once in the leaves, water evaporates from small openings called stomata, a process known as transpiration, allowing for the uptake of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.

Describe the pathway followed by a water molecule from the time it enters a plant root to the time it enters a plant root to the time it escapes into the atmosphere from a leaf?

A water molecule enters a plant root through specialized cells called root hairs and moves up through the xylem tissue, driven by capillary action and transpiration pull. It then flows through the stem and into the leaf where it exits the plant through tiny pores called stomata as water vapor, a process known as transpiration.

What is the tissue responsible for transporting water and minerals from the root to the stem and leaves?

The tissue responsible for transporting water and minerals from the root to the stem and leaves is called xylem. Xylem is a type of vascular tissue that consists of specialized cells that form vessels for conducting water and nutrients.

Water enters a plant through which structures?

roots/root hairs.

Does mineral salt enters the root cells by diffusion or active transport?

Mineral salt enters the root thru active transport, after it enters, the mineral salt is passed on to another root cell through diffusion to move to the xylem tube then it moves up the tube via transpiration pull

A force which pushes water from root xylem into stem xylem?

The force responsible for pushing water from root xylem into stem xylem is called root pressure. This force is generated by osmotic processes in the root cells, specifically in the endodermis and pericycle layers, which drive water uptake and create a positive pressure within the xylem vessels.

Where does the xylem get water?

The xylem gets water from the roots of the plant through the process of transpiration and root pressure. Water is absorbed by the plant's roots from the soil and transported through the xylem tissues to the rest of the plant.

What pressure is help water from soil enters into the root hairs owing to?

The pressure that helps water from the soil enter root hairs is called root pressure. This pressure is generated by the active transport of ions into the root cells, creating a concentration gradient that drives water movement by osmosis. Root pressure is more significant in young, actively growing plants.

What two structures does water and minerals pass through to get to xylem?

Water and minerals pass through the root epidermis and root cortex cells to reach the xylem in plant roots. The root epidermis is the outermost layer of cells in the root, and the root cortex is a region of parenchyma cells between the epidermis and the vascular tissue (xylem and phloem).

Which of the following allows plants to be selective about the molecules that enter the xylem?

The casparian strip, a band of impermeable material in the endodermal cells of plant roots, allows plants to be selective about the molecules that enter the xylem. It ensures that only certain ions and molecules can pass from the soil into the vascular system of the plant, helping to regulate the plant's nutrient uptake.