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Even an electron excited to a higher than normal energy level remains sufficiently close to the nucleus of its atom that the atom as a whole remains neutral.

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4w ago

An excited atom is electrically neutral because the number of protons in the nucleus is equal to the number of electrons surrounding the nucleus. When an atom becomes excited, its electrons move to higher energy levels but the total negative charge from the electrons is still balanced by the positive charge from the protons, maintaining the atom's neutrality.

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Q: Why an excited atom is electrically neutral?
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Which atom is electrically neutral?

All atoms are electrically neutral. If an atom gains or loses an electron, we call it an "ion" rather than an atom.

What is an example of an electrically neutral atom?

An example of an electrically neutral atom is carbon. Carbon has 6 protons and 6 electrons, giving it an equal number of positive and negative charges, which cancels out to make it electrically neutral.

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The magnesium atom is electrically neutral. It has 12 protons in the nucleus, which are positively charged, and 12 electrons surrounding the nucleus, which are negatively charged. The positive and negative charges balance each other out, resulting in an overall neutral charge for the atom.

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Uranium is electrically neutral because it has an equal number of positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons. In its stable state, the number of protons in the nucleus is balanced by the number of electrons orbiting around the nucleus, resulting in no overall electrical charge.

Is a aluminum an isotope ion or neutral atom?

An alumimium atom is electrically neutral and it is an isotope of aluminum.

Why atom are electrically neutral?

Atoms are electrically neutral because they have an equal number of positively charged protons in the nucleus and negatively charged electrons surrounding the nucleus. The positive and negative charges balance each other out, resulting in an overall neutral charge for the atom.

Why is an atom electrically neutral?

An atom is electrically neutral because it has the same number of protons (positively charged) in its nucleus as electrons (negatively charged) surrounding the nucleus. This balancing of positive and negative charges within the atom results in an overall neutral charge.

When an atoms electrical charges are balanced the atom is electrically?

When an atom's electrical charges are balanced, the atom is electrically neutral. This means it has an equal number of protons (positively charged) and electrons (negatively charged).

Is an electrically neutral atom the number of protons equals the number?

Yes, an electrically neutral atom has the same number of protons and electrons. Protons have a positive charge, while electrons have a negative charge. When these charges are balanced, the atom as a whole is neutral.

How can an atom be electrically neutral when its protons change?

Generally an atom contains similar number of electrons and protons. That is why an atom is neutral.

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An electrically neutral is what?

an electrically neutral atom is just an atom. Atoms with more or fewer electrons (negatively charged) compared with their protons (which determines the element) are considered ions.