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Abbie Hyatt

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Q: Why a woody dicot can be propagated by marcotting while grass cannot?
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Why a woody dicot can be propagated by marcotting while a grass plant cant?

why a woody dicot can be propagated by marcotting while a grass plant cant

Why a woody dicot can be propagated by marcotting while a grass plant can't?

i don,t know

Is Sudan grass dicot?


Is grass a monocot are dicot?


Is grass is monocot or dicot?

Grass is a monocot plant.

Is Bermuda grass a dicot or monocot?

Bermuda grass is a monocot. It belongs to the Poaceae family, which is a family of monocotyledonous flowering plants that includes grasses.

Is a timothy grass seed a monocot or dicot?

Timothy grass seed is a monocot, belonging to the Poaceae family. Monocots typically have one cotyledon (seed leaf), parallel leaf veins, and floral parts in multiples of three.

Is Mexican Feather Grass a monocot or dicot?

Mexican Feather Grass is a monocot, belonging to the family Poaceae. It is characterized by having long, narrow leaves with parallel veins and a fibrous root system.

Is grapes monocot?

Monocot as the fruit consists of one singular section. It is however strickly a member of the citrus family.

Are grass hays mocot or dicot?

Grass hays are monocots, not dicots. Monocots are plants with only one seed leaf, while dicots have two seed leaves. Grasses belong to the monocot group, which includes plants like wheat, rice, and corn.

Is alfalfa a dicot?

Yes, alfalfa is a dicot plant. Dicots are characterized by having two seed leaves, net-like veins in the leaves, flower parts in multiples of four or five, and a taproot system. Alfalfa exhibits these dicot characteristics.

How do you paint grass green?

you cannot paint grass