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Q: Why The government plans to ease regulations on the amount of mercury allowed into the atmosphere even though Mercury has proved to be hazardous to people and wildlife what might me there reasoning?
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enlighten reasoning

The structure of the American system of government is based what?

enlighten reasoning

The American government is what form of government?

It would depend on which country in America you are referring to.

Why is legal reasoning so complex?

Legal reasoning is complex because it involves interpreting laws, regulations, and precedents to determine the best course of action in specific situations. This requires a deep understanding of legal principles and the ability to apply them to unique circumstances. Additionally, legal reasoning often involves balancing competing interests and considerations, adding to its complexity.

What was Hitler's reasoning for occupying the Sudetenland?

The majority of the population was German, and he claimed that they were being persecuted by the Czechoslovak government.

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"The government should implement stricter regulations on fast food advertising to combat rising rates of obesity and related health issues" would most likely come from an argumentative essay because it presents a debatable stance that requires evidence and reasoning to support and defend.

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Inductive reasoning moves from the general details to the specific details Deductive reasoning is reasoning from the specific details to the general details

What documents influenced the way government was established following creation of the Constitution?

The Constitution offered a framework for establishing the new government, and the Federalist Papers explained the reasoning behind the Constitution.

What is the reasoning behind forcing people to pay taxes in a free-market economy?

To provide revenues for government programs needed to protect the free market.

How is inductive reasoning different from deductive reasoning?

Inductive reasoning varies from deductive reasoning as follows: 1) inductive reasoning is a reason supporting an argument and 2) deductive reasoning is an argument against an argument.

What type of a reasoning involves applying general principles to a specific case?

deductive reasoning it is deductive reasoning........

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