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because they were distracted

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4mo ago

The increase in response time could be due to the processing required to understand the word stimulus before selecting and executing a response. The cognitive load of interpreting the meaning of the word may have added a step to the reaction process, leading to the delay in response time.

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Q: Why Response time increased when the subject had to react to a word stimulus?
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A change in an organism's environment that causes the organism to react is called?

The change is actually a stimulus and when the organism reacts to the stimulus, it becomes a response. Overall, The answer is a stimulus.

What does an organism react to a stimulus with?

An organism reacts to a stimulus with a response that aims to maintain homeostasis and ensure survival. This response can be behavioral, physiological, or molecular, depending on the type and intensity of the stimulus.

Do viruses respond to a stimulus?

A stimulus causes your body to react, a response is something that is caused by a stimulus. Work it out, does the virus respond to you more or you to the virus?

How do organisms react to a stimulus?

Organisms can react to a stimulus through various mechanisms, such as moving towards or away from the stimulus, changing their behavior or physiological processes, or by initiating specific responses to counteract the stimulus. These reactions are typically adaptive and help the organism in responding to changes in their environment.

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How does a stimulus create a response?

A stimulus triggers a signal in sensory receptors, which is then transmitted through the nervous system to the brain. The brain processes this signal and initiates a response by sending signals to the appropriate muscles or glands to react to the stimulus.

What is a change in an organism's surrounding that causes the organism to react?

The answer to this would mose probabaly be a stimulus. Because there are 2 types of stimuli Internal Stimulus and External Stimulus and so it has to be either one of these but the answer is stimulus.

What is a change in an organisms surroundings that provides a response?

A stimulus is a change in an organism's surroundings that triggers a response. Organisms may react to stimuli in order to adapt to their environment and survive.

Is react a noun?

Yes, "react" can be both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to a response or change that occurs in response to a stimulus or event.

What is a natural occurring stimulus that leads to an involuntary response?

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Why is stimulus response important?

Stimulus response is important because it helps organisms to adapt and survive in their environments. It allows organisms to react to changes in their surroundings, such as avoiding danger or seeking food. This process is essential for maintaining homeostasis and overall well-being.

What is a change in behavior caused by a stimulus?

A change in behavior caused by a stimulus is known as a reflex. It is an automatic response to a specific stimulus that helps organisms quickly react to potential dangers or opportunities in their environment. Reflexes are typically innate and do not require conscious thought.