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There won't be any (much) net magnetic field inside the metal container. The external field (eg. from the earth) will induce a magnetic dipole in the metal of the container. Insider the container, the external and induced fields will approximately cancel out.

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Steel or iron containers help shield the magnetic field of instruments like compasses from external magnetic interference that could affect their accuracy. Additionally, steel or iron containers can help prevent the compass from affecting other electronic devices or equipment nearby.

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Q: Why Instruments with magnetic fields eg a compass should be stored in containers made of steel or iron?
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How do you prevent undue magnetic influences on a compass?

To prevent undue magnetic influences on a compass, ensure it is kept away from magnetic materials like iron, steel, or electronic devices. Calibrate the compass regularly and hold it level when taking readings. Store the compass in a protective case when not in use to avoid interference from external magnetic fields.

What happens when a magnetic compass is held in space far away from earth's magnetic field....will it be influenced by the other stellar objects which may or may not have magnetic poles of their own?

In space far away from Earth's magnetic field, a magnetic compass would not be influenced by Earth's magnetic field. However, it could potentially be influenced by the magnetic fields of other stellar objects if they are strong enough and in close proximity to the compass. Overall, the behavior of a magnetic compass in space would depend on the specific magnetic fields of nearby objects.

Can magnetic field lines be detected by a compass?

The magnetic field can certainly be detected by a compass.The 'lines' are a handy human invention, and don't really exist, so you could not,say, trace out the lines with a compass, because they're not there.But place a compass next to a wire that's involved in any battery-operated (DC)circuit, and the compass absolutely goes crazy !

Is there ever a time when your compass will not point north?

Yes, a compass may not point north accurately if there are strong magnetic fields nearby, such as those generated by electronics or certain metals. Additionally, magnetic anomalies or deviations in the Earth's magnetic field can cause the compass to point in a slightly different direction.

Does a compass needle always point directly northward in the absence of other nearby magnets or currents?

In the absence of interference from other magnetic fields or currents, a compass needle will align itself with the Earth's magnetic field and point towards the magnetic North Pole. However, it may not always point directly northward due to local magnetic anomalies or declination.

Related questions

Instruments with magnetic fields ega compass should be stored in containers made of steel or iron?

Steel since magnets attract iron.

Will a compass always work?

A compass will work as long as it is not near strong magnetic fields or electronic devices that can interfere with its reading. Additionally, in extreme polar regions, the magnetic north and south poles can shift, affecting the accuracy of the compass.

How could you change the direction in which a compass needle points using a cell and a piece of wire?

You can change the direction of a compass needle by creating a magnetic field with a current-carrying wire. By passing a current through the wire and holding it near the compass needle, you can influence the direction in which the needle points. The strength and orientation of the magnetic field generated by the wire can cause the compass needle to deflect from its original direction.

If you made another compass with the same materials would the needle point be in the same direction?

the needle points in the direction the magnetic fields wish. The gravity pulls the compass nearer and nearer the magnetic fields.

How does a compass needle align its self?

The compass needle is magnetic, so it aligns itself with the magnetic poles. For more information on magnetic fields, see

Does a radio alter a compass reading?

The pointer on a compass is magnetic. The speakers and transformers a radio put out magnetic fields that WILL deflect the direction that the pointer points. - wjs1632 -

How do you prevent undue magnetic influences on a compass?

To prevent undue magnetic influences on a compass, ensure it is kept away from magnetic materials like iron, steel, or electronic devices. Calibrate the compass regularly and hold it level when taking readings. Store the compass in a protective case when not in use to avoid interference from external magnetic fields.

How could magnetic rocks affect a compass and why?

Magnetic rocks contain iron minerals that can create interference with the Earth's magnetic field, causing the compass needle to deflect away from true north when in close proximity to such rocks. This interference can lead to inaccurate readings and confusion when using a compass for navigation.

What do you have to add to a compass to make it in line with the earths magnetic field?

Nothing. That's exactly what a compass does ... as long as it's free to turn, and there are no ferrous metals or other sources of magnetic fields nearby.

Compass magnets can only be deflected by electromagnets such as Earth's magnetic field?

Compass magnets align themselves with Earth's magnetic field due to their own magnetic properties. Electromagnets, like the one found in devices such as phones or microwaves, can create magnetic fields that may interfere with a compass's accuracy if they are strong enough and placed close to the compass.

Why do you think compass might not work near storm power lines?

Storm power lines can create magnetic interference that affects the accuracy of a compass reading. The strong magnetic fields generated by power lines can disrupt the Earth's magnetic field, causing the compass to give inaccurate readings. It's best to keep a safe distance from power lines when using a compass for navigation.

What are facts about compasses?

Compasses are navigational instruments that use Earth's magnetic field to determine direction. The needle inside a compass always points north and is free to rotate on a pivot. Compasses are important tools for hikers, campers, sailors, and travelers to help them find their way.