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Q: Why Eyes are the most vulnerable to this agent due to their thin moist warm mucous?
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What agent are eyes are the most vulnerable to due to their thin moist warm mucosa?

These are chemical weapons.

What chemical agent are the eyes most vulnerable to due to their thin moist warm mucosa?

These are chemical weapons.

Where are the moist parts on a human?

The Mucous Membranes are the "moist" parts of the body, and include the eyes, nose, mouth, rectum, and vaginal area.

Why do you produce 'eye-poo'?

The eye produces a fluid called tears to keep the eyes moist and protect them from irritants. When tears are not spread evenly across the eye or drainage is blocked, it can lead to the formation of eye discharge or "eye-poo." This discharge is made up of a mixture of oil, mucus, skin cells, and other debris, and its production helps keep the eyes clean and healthy.

Are there mucous membranes in the eyes?

Yes, the eyes have a mucous membrane called the conjunctiva, which lines the inner surface of the eyelids and covers the whites of the eyes. It helps protect the eyes from foreign particles and infection.

What is the yellow discoloration of the skin mucous membranes and the eyes?

The yellow discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes, and eyes is known as jaundice. It is caused by an excess buildup of bilirubin, a yellow pigment formed during the breakdown of red blood cells. Jaundice can be a sign of liver or gallbladder problems.

Which chemical agent are the eyes most vulnerable to?

There are far too many chemicals dangerous to the eyes to answer that. It also depends on their concentration. Some examples would be caustic soda, bleach and concentrated sulfuric acid.

Why do people blink their eyes?

People must blink their eyes because our eyes have to stay moist to work and blinking spreads water across your eye so it keeps the eye moist.

What does rheumy eyes mean?

watery although rheum is mucous after sleeping

Why is it important for peoples eyes to remain moist?

To keep your eyes from drying out. Dry eyes can cause your eyes to be bloodshot!!!!

Can apple cider vinegar have effect on your eyes?

Vinegar is acidic. It will burn any mucous membranes, including the eyes.

Touching a contaminated object or surface and then touching a mucous membrane is called?

Indirect Transmission of BBPs may occur by touching a contaminated surface and transferring the infectious material to your eyes, mouth or an open sore. Mucous membranes (and remember, the eyes are a potential point of entry as they contain mucous membranes)