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The chemical attraction of oxygen to aluminum is greater than that to carbon, so Al oxide 'wins' from C oxide to be formed or stay intact.

Reaction: 2 Al2O3 + 3 C --> 4 Al + 3 CO2 does NOT run to the right, as Fe2O3 does alright.

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14y ago
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3mo ago

Aluminum oxide is a very stable compound, and it requires a lot of energy to break the strong bonds between aluminum and oxygen atoms. Coke does not provide enough reducing power to break these bonds and convert the aluminum oxide into aluminum metal. As a result, reduction of aluminum oxide with coke is not a practical method for obtaining aluminum metal.

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12y ago

aluminium oxide is ionic in nature. it forms a very strong bond .aluminium is stronger than coke and has stronger affinity on oxygen than on coke.

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13y ago

Aluminum is higher on the reactivity series than carbon, and so carbon cannot replace it in a compound as it can with iron.

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13y ago

It forms a carbide with aluminium.

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Q: Why Al cannot be obtained by reductionof aluminium oxide with coke?
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well, this is my theory, excuse me if i am not at all correct, but i believe the answer is; Aluminium + Iron Oxide ---> Aluminium Oxide + Iron + heat i really do hope this is correct, please except my apologies if it is not.

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1000 kg aluminium oxide contain 470,588 kg aluminium.

What type of bond is present in aluminium oxide?

Aluminium oxide has an ionic bond.

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Aluminium oxide has two elements: aluminium and oxygen.

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Al2O3 is the chemical formula of aluminium oxide.

What an how many atoms are there in aluminium oxide?

The chemical formula of aluminium oxide is Al2O3: five atoms.

Can iron displace aluminium from aluminium oxide?

The reaction is not possible.

What colour is aluminium oxide?

Aluminium oxide is usually white or colorless. It can appear as a whitish powder or in crystal form.

What is name of the compound Al2O3?

Al is the symbol for Aluminum and O is the symbol for oxygen. When oxygen is paired in a compound, it is changed to oxide. The name then is aluminum oxide.

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