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Gas is commonly used in homes and businesses for cooking, heating, and powering appliances. It is also used as fuel in vehicles.

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Is nuts and bolts a gas and gas?

I think it is a gas and gas

What process gas change to gas?

it gas change is were a gas changes

Where are gas used?

Gas can start your lawn mower, gas can start your fireplace (if it is a gas fireplace), gas can cook your food on the stove (if it is a gas stove), and gas can cook your food on the grill (if it is a gas grill).

Which is strongest gas?

A gas can not be strong or weak.It is a gas or it is not a gas.(Gas is one of the four 'States of Matter': plasma, gas, liquid, solid)

What is the gas in gas taps?

The gas is Methane.

An example of a gas-gas solution?

Air is an example of a gas-gas solution.

Where can I find a gas pump for my gas can?

You can find a gas pump for your gas can at most gas stations or automotive stores.

What kind of product is the Gas Gas Trials?

The Gas Gas Trials are a line of motorbikes. You can get a full listing of Gas Gas Trial motorbikes and learn more online at the official Gas Gas Motos ES website.

Which gas is used in tear gas and which gas is used in laughing gas?

Tear gas contains chemicals such as chloroacetophenone or CS gas. Laughing gas is nitrous oxide.

What is the state of matter of neon at room temp?

Neon is a gas at room temperatureGas

If There are gas giants is there gas tinys?

no there isn't gas tinys. gas giants just means big gas planets ("gas" is the operative word, not "giant")

How is gas made from?

gas and fire fire is made for gas gas is the name of the fire