Religious distribution map: Places where different religious dominate, Linguistic distribution map: Location of speakers of various languages, Political system distribution map: Type of political system in each country of the world, Ethnic distribution map: Ethnic divisions and diversity in territory
To quickly identify the least populated country in a given region, you should use a population distribution map.
You would use a physical map to show mountains because it displays the natural features of the Earth's surface, including topography such as mountains and valleys. A resource map, on the other hand, focuses on the distribution of natural resources like minerals, forests, or water bodies.
A thematic map would be best to show types of vegetation, such as a choropleth map which uses colors to represent different types of vegetation in specific areas. This allows for easy visual comparison of the distribution and abundance of different vegetation types across a region.
to find the population you use a population map or a population pyramid.
To quickly see which country has the most people, you should use a population distribution map.
Religious distribution map
Religious distribution map
Religious distribution map
Religious distribution map
To quickly identify the least populated country in a given region, you should use a population distribution map.
A choropleth map would be best for quickly seeing which country had the most people. This type of map uses different colors to represent different quantities, making it easy to visually compare population sizes across countries.
You would use a physical map to show mountains because it displays the natural features of the Earth's surface, including topography such as mountains and valleys. A resource map, on the other hand, focuses on the distribution of natural resources like minerals, forests, or water bodies.
You would use a geological map, which displays the types and ages of rocks on the Earth's surface. This map would help you locate the layer of coal as it shows the distribution of different rock types, including coal-bearing formations, allowing you to identify the specific location of the coal layer.
you would use map of territories
Political system distribution