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Religious distribution map: Places where different religious dominate, Linguistic distribution map: Location of speakers of various languages, Political system distribution map: Type of political system in each country of the world, Ethnic distribution map: Ethnic divisions and diversity in territory

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4y ago
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13y ago

A distribution map shows the pattern for a city, a county, a continent, and even the whole world. The subject of distribution maps can be languages, region, economic data,certain natural features, or others.

byy; Valee.(:

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9y ago

A distribution map is a map that uses colors to show demographic information such a population or housing prices.

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11y ago

a graphic representation of elements ofimportance or interest pertaining to a theme,such as the geographic occurrence of an item,feature, or event; also called statistical map

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10y ago

i think it is when you distrubute something to someone they will give it to another person and so on... hope i answerd your question

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David Delgado

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1y ago


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