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Q: Who worked out the arrangement of the known planets in your solar system and how they move around the sun?
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What were the names of the rockets Carl Sagan worked on?

Carl Sagan worked on the Mariner, Viking, Voyager, and Galileo space missions during his career. These missions aimed to explore planets in our solar system, such as Mars and Jupiter, and gather valuable data about the universe.

How did Galileo think the solar system worked?

Galileo believed that the Earth revolved around the Sun, contrary to the popular belief at the time that the Earth was at the center of the universe. He supported the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus, which was a major advancement in our understanding of the solar system. Galileo's observations through his telescope provided evidence to support this model.

Why are the first four planets solid and not gaseous?

The first four planets in our solar system - Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars - are solid because they formed closer to the Sun where temperatures were higher, preventing the gases in the disk of dust and gas from condensing into giant gas planets like Jupiter and Saturn. Instead, these solid planets accumulated rock and metal in their formation.

Who worked out that the planets orbits are flattened circles?

Johannes Kepler discovered that planets move in elliptical orbits rather than perfect circles. This was based on his observations of the planets' positions over time, which he detailed in his work "Astronomia Nova" in 1609.

What was Galileo's hypothesis?

Galileo's main hypothesis was that the Earth revolves around the Sun, contradicting the prevailing belief at the time that the Earth was the center of the universe. This idea, known as heliocentrism, was a cornerstone in his work that helped to revolutionize our understanding of the cosmos.

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What is contribution of Copernicus?

Copernicus was an astronomer who stated that the sun was at the center of our solar system and that the planets rotated around it. Up until that time it was commonly believed that the planets, and the sun, rotated around the Earth. He wasn't the first, but was definitely the most famous for it. He also worked to develop better telescopes during the course of his studies.

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They worked hard and together with resources around the!

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They worked hard and together with resources around the!

How did Galileo think the solar system worked?

Galileo believed that the Earth revolved around the Sun, contrary to the popular belief at the time that the Earth was at the center of the universe. He supported the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus, which was a major advancement in our understanding of the solar system. Galileo's observations through his telescope provided evidence to support this model.

Who was the scientist that worked out the general rules for the orbits of the planets?

I think it was gallilao or Issac newton

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James Garfield was the president who worked to limit the spoils system and was later assassinated.

What president worked to limit the spoils system and was later assassinated?

James Garfield was the president who worked to limit the spoils system and was later assassinated.

Who realized planets orbit the sun?

Galileo used the telescope to support the heliocentric model (Planets orbit the sun)Nicolaus Copernicus worked out the arrangements of planets and how the move around the sun (heliocentric).Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler researched the planets' orbit and found that the orbit of each planet is an ellipse (Oval shape).

What system showed people worked in for exchange for protection?

Feudal system, where people worked on land owned by a lord in exchange for protection and the use of resources.

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The system where freed slaves worked on someone else's land is called sharecropping. Under this system, former slaves worked on land owned by a different individual in exchange for a share of the crop produced.

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X-ray crystallography was one of the main techniques. The arrangement of atoms was worked out from the patterns obtained.