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Q: Who was the most influential leader in Kenya independence movement?
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Got no damned clue

Who was kenya's independence leader?

and stflorian love olg our lady Guadalupe were high schoolers playing mid school The first person to protest was Harry Thuku

What statement describes one difference between the independence movement in Algeria and the movements in Ghana and Kenya?

while the movement in Algeria escalated into full-scale war the movements in the Ghana Kenya ended peacefully

What is difference between the independence movement in Algeria and the movements in Ghana and Kenya?

while the movement in Algeria escalated into a full-scale war, the movements in Ghana and Kenya ended peacefully (apex, world history sem 2)

Kenya gained independence from what European colonial power in 1963?

Britain, mainly due to the Mau Mau movement.

What country did Kenya gain independence?

Kenya gained its independence on December 12, 1963.

When did Kenya get independence?

In 1963 1st of June is when Kenya declared independence from the British.

A goal of both the boxer Rebellion in china and the Mau Mau movement in Kenya was to?

gain independence from the caniving European settlers

What is the day when Kenya got independence?

Kenya received independence on December 12th, 1963.

What was the movement in Kenya?

One of the major movements in Kenya was the Mau Mau uprising, which was a rebellion against British colonial rule in the 1950s. The movement aimed to secure land and freedom for the Kikuyu people and other ethnic groups fighting against British domination. The Mau Mau rebellion had a significant impact on Kenya's path to independence.

What is the title of the Kenya's leader?

The political leader in Kenya is a president; President Mwai Kibaki.