Neither one of them invented a proton, one of them may have discovered it's existance.
The proton was first discovered by Ernest Rutherford in 1917 during his gold foil experiment. Wilhelm Wien and Eugen Goldstein contributed to the understanding of the proton, but Rutherford is credited with its discovery.
Ernest Rutherford is credited with the discovery of the proton.
The proton was discovered by Ernest Rutherford in 1917. Rutherford identified the proton while conducting experiments on the structure of the atom.
he researched about nucleus and proton of atom
J.J. Thomson discovered the first subatomic particle, the electron, in the late 19th century through his experiments with cathode rays. This discovery led to the understanding that atoms contain subatomic particles.
Off course. He discovered the proton with the help of discharge tube with a perforated Cathode. Some positively charge particles were detected behind perforated cathode. these particles were of different mass and charge for different gases used in the tube (i.e. had different m/e). the lightest particles were formed when hydrogen gas was used. So the word proton was give so, because these particles for hydrogen were the lightest and came on first in order of mass. (Greek 'Protos'= First)
Ernest Rutherford is credited with the discovery of the proton.
The word "proton" was coined by Ernest Rutherford in 1920 during his experiments with radiation. Rutherford used this term to describe the positively charged particles he identified in the nucleus of an atom.
Ernest Rutherford, not E. Goldstein, discovered the proton. E. Goldstein discovered the canal ray, which are positively charged particles later identified as protons.
The proton was discovered by Ernest Rutherford in 1917. Rutherford identified the proton while conducting experiments on the structure of the atom.
Proton Definition
Ernest Rutherford
There are two scientists. Goldstein is the first person that found it.
Ernest Rutherford is generally credited with the discovery of the proton
Ernest Rutherford