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Two scientists came up with The Cell Theory. It was in 1839, Matthias Schleidan and Theodor Schwann, two German Biologists came up with this theory.

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14y ago
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14y ago

cell theory was formulated by scleiden and schwann .

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11y ago

Sheilden and swan were first to describe the cell theory

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Q: Who was the first to describe the cell theory?
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How did Robert Brown describe a cell?

Robert Brown described a cell as a fundamental unit of life that is enclosed by a membrane and contains genetic material. He also observed the presence of a central nucleus in plant cells, which led to the development of the cell theory.

How did Robert Brown describe cell?

he observe the theory cells on microscope!

Who wrote the first two parts of cell theory?

Theodor Schwann wrote the first two parts of the cell theory

Who was the first scientist first to described cells?

i think the fist scientist to describe a cell was ROBERT HOOKE because he was the one who wrote about them in the first place.

Describe the historical scientific contributions that lead to the development of the Cell Theory?

The development of the Cell Theory was influenced by the work of scientists such as Robert Hooke, who first observed and named cells. Later, Anton van Leeuwenhoek's discovery of microorganisms and the invention of the microscope by Zacharias Janssen and Hans Janssen played crucial roles in furthering the understanding of cells. Finally, the contributions of Matthias Schleiden, Theodor Schwann, and Rudolf Virchow in the mid-19th century solidified the Cell Theory's principles.

Describe the events leading to the discovery of the cell theory?

The cell theory was developed in the mid-19th century by scientists such as Matthias Schleiden, Theodor Schwann, and Rudolf Virchow. Schleiden and Schwann observed that plants and animals are composed of cells, and Virchow proposed that all cells arise from pre-existing cells. These observations led to the formulation of the cell theory, which states that cells are the basic unit of life and that all living organisms are composed of one or more cells.

Describe the events leading to the discovery of the cell theory.?

because the role of the nucleus in the life of a cell. HOPED IT HELPEd :P

Who tested the cell theory?

Robert Hooke was the first to coin the cell theory. It was coined shortly after the invention of the microscope.

Who wrote the first 2 parts of cell theory theory?

schleiden and schwann

What is one exception to the modern cell theory?

The first cell did not come from a preexisting cell and viruses

Analyze the three parts of the cell theory and describe two observations of early scientist that support it?

All living organisms are composed of cells: Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in all living organisms. Cells are the basic unit of life: Cells carry out all the functions necessary for life to exist. All cells come from pre-existing cells: Cells divide to create new cells. Observations by early scientists supporting the cell theory include Robert Hooke's observation of plant cells under a microscope and Anton van Leeuwenhoek's discovery of single-celled organisms like bacteria.

Describe what happens during the first stage of the cell cycle in a eukaryotic cell?

During the first stage, called G1 phase, the cell grows in size and carries out its normal functions. It is a period of cell growth and preparation for DNA replication. The cell also checks its internal environment and external signals to determine whether conditions are favorable for DNA synthesis and progression to the next stage.