Having blue eyes means that the color of a person's iris is blue. Blue eyes are less common than other eye colors like brown or green, and are often considered attractive. The trait for blue eyes is typically inherited and is a result of low melanin levels in the iris.
In most depictions, Tails has blue eyes.
Winston Churchill had blue eyes.
Amy MacDonald has blue eyes.
PewDiePie's eyes are blue.
Charlie Rich sang " blue spanish eyes"
it means, "you have blue eyes" or "He/she has blue eyes"
Ojos azules.
Al Martino
Ojos azules de....
Tenemos ojos azules.
Hola, ojos azules.
The song "Blue Spanish Eyes" was originally sung by Al Martino. He released it in 1965, and it became one of his signature songs.
Me gustan los ojos azules.
Yo tiene ojos azules!
The song "Blue Spanish Eyes" was originally recorded by Al Martino in 1965. It became a hit for him and has since been covered by various artists over the years.
blueish green