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You question is strange, as I see it is categorized within the Gorillas section. Normally the question would infer parentage and/or shared alleles with siblings or cousins, however, you have categorized this in Gorillas and Orangutans, so I can only guess that you wish to ask an evolutionary question.

If this is the case then we do show similarities with the simian species (monkeys and the likes). However, many essential proteins take more similar heritage from other species such as pigs, mice and even fish!

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 7mo ago

Identical twins share the same DNA because they develop from the same fertilized egg, while siblings from separate pregnancies typically share about 50% of their DNA from each parent.

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โˆ™ 13y ago

identical twins

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Q: Who shares the same DNA?
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