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It was Copernicus who produced a detailed theory showing planets orbiting the Sun.

However he didn't prove his theory.

The proof came later through the work of Kepler, Galileo, and Newton.

I would say that Galileo's work was the first evidence that could be called "proof".

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Q: Who proved the planets move around the sun?
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Is the planet move around the sun?

Copernicus, with the use of the heliocentric theory and Galileo with his telescope proved the planets revolve around the Sun.

What is the move around the sun?

That would be the planets around the sun.

What do the planets and the sun orbit?

the sun does not move, the planets orbit around the sun idiot.

Who first stated that the planets move around the sun?

I believe that would be Galileo (sp?) However I'm pretty sure Kepler is the one that proved it.

Why the planets move around the sun?

The gravitational pull of the Sun.

What do the planets move around?

they orbit the sun

Do all planets move around the sun or around the earth?

The planets that make part of the solar system move around the Sun. The huge gravity power of the Sun maintain all planets and moons orbiting around it on an elliptical form.

What is heavenly objects move around the sun?

That would be the planets around the sun.

Why planets move along a circular path around sun?

They don't. They move in ellipses around the Sun.

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Do the planet's move around the sun?

The planets move in an act of gravity

Who discovered that the planets move around the sun?
