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Q: Who proposed that overpopulation contributed to the lack of resources and interfered with survival?
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What is the law of population?

The law of population, proposed by Thomas Malthus, suggests that population growth tends to outpace the growth of resources, leading to inevitable checks on population such as famine, disease, or war. Malthus argued that these checks were necessary to prevent overpopulation and maintain a balance between population and resources.

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are you a UOP student? lol

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Mendeleev. Many others contributed ideas before bu Mendeleev's contribution is considered the most important.

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Malthus's theory of evolution, known as Malthusian selection, proposed that populations increase exponentially while resources only increase arithmetically, leading to competition for limited resources. This competition would result in a struggle for existence, with only the fittest individuals surviving and reproducing. Darwin was influenced by Malthus's ideas when developing his theory of natural selection.

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The lac operon concept was proposed by François Jacob and Jacques Monod in 1961. They described how genes are regulated in bacteria to optimize the use of resources like lactose for energy production.

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Democritus contributed to the atomic theory around 400 BC. He proposed that all matter is composed of indivisible particles called atoms.

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John Locke contributed the idea of natural rights, which emphasized individual freedoms and liberties as inherent to all humans. He also proposed the concept of the social contract, where people agree to form a government to protect their rights and liberties.

What ideas about competition and resources in human populations did Malthus propose?

Malthus proposed that human populations grow exponentially while resources grow arithmetically, leading to competition for limited resources. He argued that this competition would result in a struggle for survival, with only the fittest individuals able to access enough resources to survive and reproduce. Malthus's theory influenced the development of evolutionary thought and population studies.

Who discovered wave theory of light?

The wave theory of light was developed by Christian Huygens in the 17th century. He proposed that light propagates as a wave rather than a particle. This theory later contributed to the understanding of the nature of light.

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J.J. Thomson is credited with the discovery of the electron in 1897 through his experiments with cathode rays. He proposed the existence of negatively charged particles, named electrons, which contributed to the development of the atomic model.

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Yes, Harry Hess proposed the theory of seafloor spreading and the existence of mid-ocean ridges during the 1960s. His work significantly contributed to the development of the theory of plate tectonics.

Hugo Munsterberg contribution to management?

Hugo Munsterberg is regarded as the pioneer of applied/industrial psychology. He founded the human relations movement in management which contributed immensely in the evolution of management theory.