Flowers get their names from the people that discover them or sometimes hybridize them. Carl Linnaeus was the Swedish botanist that organized plants into families and gave them Latin names.
Flowers form seeds that become seedlings.
There is no commonly known plant named Manokamna. It is possible that it may be a regional or local name for a specific plant, but without further context or information, it is difficult to provide a precise answer.
ZaluzianskyaZamiaZantedeschiaZanthoxylumZauschneriaZeaZelkovaZenobiaZephyranthesZigadenusZinniaZizaniaZygopetalumNote:- All the plants named above do not have flowers for example Zamia is a Gymnosperm:)
Flowers have pollen in them. And other things that are inside flowers.
Yes, shamrocks do have flowers.
flowers named after a hat?
No there isn't.
"Florida." The Land of Flowers, named by Ponce de Leon.
well, there's the Lotus...
Florida was named "land of flowers" by Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leรณn in the early 16th century.
The same way everything else in the universe and planet are named; by the people who discover them.
Augusta National
It was named by Ponce de Leon named it the land of flowers and so it is called Florida.
ponce de leon named it Florida because there were pretty flowers along the beaches and othe places
The Rose garden in Geneva has Roses named after both stars.
panama is Indian for " abundant in fish and flowers'