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Q: Who is the targeted audience for the Permian period?
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What time period did dimetrodon and edaphosaurus?

Permian Period.

What ended the permian period?

The Permian Period was ended by the Permian/Triassic Extinction Event, which wiped out 90% of the species on Earth at that time.

What Era does the Permian period belong to?

Ther Permian was the last period of the Paleozoic era.

The end of the Permian period was also the end of what Era?

The end of the Permian period marked the end of the Paleozoic Era and the beginning of the Mesozoic Era.

When did the permian period occur?

The Permian period lasted from 290 to 248 million years ago and was the last period of the Paleozoic Era.

What happened to earths continents during Permian period?

What happened to the earth's continents during permian period is pangea

What era had 95 percent of species die out?

The worst known mass extinction in Earth's history was the Permian-Triassic Extinction Event at the end of the Permian period. The Permian period was the last period of the Paleozoic Era.

What came before the triassic period?

permian period

What does permian mean?

Permian refers to a geologic period that occurred between 299 million and 252 million years ago. It is known for being the last period of the Paleozoic Era and marked the dominance of reptiles, the origin of mammals, and the diversification of plants. The Permian period ended with the largest mass extinction in Earth's history, wiping out a significant portion of marine and terrestrial life.

What era was also the end of The end of the Permian?

The permian period was the end of the paleozoic era.

When did mesosaurs exist?

permian period

What was the period before the triassic?

The Permian.