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Nubben C. Icawalo Jr.

is the one who invented cloning in the universe

it happen in the Philippines by the help of his parents


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12y ago

cloning was fist discovered beacause a little girl wanted to another one of her female sheeps babys beacause all of them died of a uncureable diease called porphyria<3

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Laxmi Narayana

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Q: Who is the inventor of cloning?
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Did Ian Wilmut call cloning cloning?

No, Ian Wilmut did not call cloning &quot;cloning.&quot; He is known for his work in cloning Dolly the sheep, the first mammal cloned from an adult somatic cell, but the term &quot;cloning&quot; was used to describe the process before his work.

What is the historical perspective of cloning?

Cloning has been a topic of scientific interest for decades, with the first successful cloning of a mammal (Dolly the sheep) in 1996. Since then, cloning technology has advanced, leading to the cloning of other animals and ongoing ethical debates surrounding the practice. Cloning has potential benefits for research and medicine but also raises concerns about ethical implications and the impact on biodiversity.

What is replacement cloning?

Replacement cloning is a type of cloning where the nucleus of an unfertilized egg cell is replaced with the nucleus from a donor cell, which results in the creation of a genetically identical individual to the donor. This technique has been explored in animal cloning research and has potential applications in agriculture and medicine.

Is human cloning the same as animal cloning?

Human cloning and animal cloning both involve creating a genetic copy of an organism, but there are differences in the ethical and legal considerations surrounding each. Human cloning raises complex ethical issues related to human rights and medical ethics, while animal cloning is primarily focused on agricultural and scientific applications. Additionally, the technologies and procedures used for human cloning may differ from those used for animal cloning.

What is the study of Cloning called?

The study of cloning is called &quot;cloning technology&quot; or &quot;somatic cell nuclear transfer.&quot; It involves the process of creating genetically identical organisms through asexual reproduction.

Related questions

Name of Animal Cloning Inventor?

Not really the inventor(s) but the first to clone embryos (Tadpoles in this case) were Thomas King and Robert Briggs.

What are the good christian values on cloning?

A good Christians view on cloning is no. No cloning.

What are the types of cloning?

In general, sticky end cloning and blunt end cloning

What is cloning embryo?

Embryo cloning is when you go through the process of cloning an original embryo

Is cloning meat cheap?

cloning is very expensive very hello

Did Ian Wilmut call cloning cloning?

No, Ian Wilmut did not call cloning &quot;cloning.&quot; He is known for his work in cloning Dolly the sheep, the first mammal cloned from an adult somatic cell, but the term &quot;cloning&quot; was used to describe the process before his work.

What are the 3 types of reproductive cloning?

The three types of reproductive cloning are embryo cloning, adult DNA cloning, and therapeutic cloning. Embryo cloning involves transferring genetically identical embryos to surrogate mothers. Adult DNA cloning creates an animal that is an exact genetic copy of an existing animal. Therapeutic cloning involves creating embryonic stem cells for research and medical purposes.

What is human cloning basically about?

Cloning humans.

How is cloning different?

Cloning is the process of creating a genetically identical copy of an organism. In natural reproduction, genetic material from two parents is combined to create variation in offspring, while cloning produces individuals with identical genetic material to the original. Additionally, cloning can be done using different techniques such as embryo cloning, adult cell cloning, or reproductive cloning.

How many sections are there in cloning?

what are the sections are there in cloning

Should cloning research be regulated?

I think cloning research shouldn't be regulated because cloning can be harmful to the world. Also cloning can have advantages and some disadvantages.

When cloning results in the creation of a new animal identical to the donor this is known as cloning?

yes because that what cloning for.