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Ninjas live over 250 years old.

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As of now, Kane Tanaka from Japan is recognized as the world's oldest living person. She was born on January 2, 1903, and has lived over 118 years.

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What country has the highest average age?

Monaco has the highest average age in the world, with residents typically living into their late 80s. The country's high life expectancy can be attributed to factors such as access to quality healthcare, a high standard of living, and healthy lifestyle choices.

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There is no age limit for arrest. Any living person may be arrested.

Who is the longest living person in this world and what age?

Jeanne Louise Calmant

Where is the highest standard of living in the Europe?

The highest standard of living in Europe is MonacoImproved : Norway has the highest standard of living in Europe and the World... If Ranked by the UN.. Monaco would have the 23rd highest living standard in the world.

Can carbon dating tell how old the person is?

No, carbon dating cannot determine the age of a living person. Carbon dating is used to determine the age of organic materials such as fossils or artifacts by measuring the decay of carbon isotopes. It is not used for dating the age of living organisms.

Does the average person live for 1000000 days?

Nope - a person living to the age of 70 - lives for about 25,500 days. A person living for a million days - would live for more than 2,700 years !

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the highest age for a dolphin is 20 years old

Is Swedens standard of living one of the highest in the world?

No, but very close! Norway has the highest standard of living in the world. Sweden has the 7th highest.

How old was the living person ever alive?

The oldest documented,verified living person was Jeanne-Louise Calment,of France.When she died on August 4,1997 she was age: 122 years,164 days.At the age of 114 years was in a film called 'Vincent and Me', portraying herself.Was the oldest person in the film.