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Q: Who is the founder of geography?
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Who waas the founder of geography?

Erectus, maybe?

What is the other type of geography other than physical geography and environmental geography?

The other geography is called Human Geography, the study of humans and their interaction with the land. It includes the subcategory of cultural geography. Human geography is also called Social geography.

What is a founder in AQW?

he said what is a founder not who is a founder. A founder is a person who helped create the game

Who is the founder of Hinduism?

There is no founder of Hinduism.

Which are included in the five subfields of geography?

Human geographyPhysical geography

What are the major branches of geography?

physical geography and human geography

What are the branches of sub?

sub branches of geography are climatology,political geography,settlement geography,economic geography,geomorphology,mathematical geography,cartography and etc.

Is physical geography the same as geography?

Physical geography is a branch of Geography; the main branches of Geography are Physical and Human, these are mainly taught at school level. Physical geography relates to the natural environment.

What is Greeks geography?


What is the tagalog of geography?

The Tagalog word for geography is "heograpiya."

Do you know any examples of human geography?

Yes I do some are Political Geography,Economic Geography and Population Geography

What is difference between geography and systemetic geography?

Geography is a broad field that studies the Earth's physical features and how human activity interacts with the environment. Systematic geography, on the other hand, focuses on specific aspects within geography, such as climatology, geomorphology, or urban geography. Systematic geography delves deeper into the study of particular components of geography, while geography as a whole encompasses a more holistic view of the Earth and its processes.