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Saturn (Greek: Cronus) was the son of Earth & Sky, two of the most primal gods who in turn were born out of Chaos. Saturn then castrated his father and became king of the universe, and was the father of Jupiter (Greek: Zeus.) Saturn was overthrown by his son, Jupiter and he became ruler of the gods.

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The father of Saturn is Uranus, and the grandfather of Jupiter is Saturn (also known as Kronos). In Greek mythology, Uranus is considered the father of the Titans, including Saturn, who in turn is the father of Jupiter.

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Q: Who is the father of Saturn and the grandfather of Jupiter?
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Who was the father of Saturn and the grandfather of Jupiter?

The father of Saturn was Uranus, and the grandfather of Jupiter was Saturn. In Greek mythology, Uranus was the sky god and fathered Saturn, who was the god of time. Saturn, in turn, was the father of Jupiter, who was the king of the gods.

What does Uranus mean or signify?

Uranus (the planet) was named after the Greek god of the sky. According to the myth it was the father of Saturn and the grandfather of Jupiter.

Why did they call planet Saturn Saturn?

Saturn is behind of Jupiter. Jupiter is the ruler of the Roman Gods. The Romans thought that since Saturn was behind of Jupiter they thought it was the father of Jupiter so they called it Saturn. The Roman God that is the father of Jupiter. PS: THIS IS NOT THE REAL ANSWER

Who is Jupiter's father?


Why is Saturn Jupiter's father?

In Roman mythology, Saturn (also known as Cronus in Greek mythology) was the father of Jupiter (Zeus in Greek mythology). Saturn was a powerful god and ruler of the universe before being overthrown by Jupiter. This relationship established Jupiter as the next ruler and earned him the title of father.

Is Saturn Jupiter's father?


Who's Jupiter's father?

Jupiter's father is Saturn, who was also known as Cronus in Greek mythology.

Is Saturn Jupiter dad?

Saturnus (Saturn) was the father of Jupiter along with Ceres, Veritas, Pluto, and Neptune.

Who is the roman god who ruled before Jupiter?

Saturn, the father of Jupiter.

Who was Saturn the father of?

Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune, Juno, Ceres, and Vesta.

In Roman mythology which planet was Jupiter's father?

Jupiter is the father of the God Mars. Saturn is named after the Roman God Saturnus. ----------- I think that its Saturn

Who was the father of mars and the son of Saturn?

Jupiter or Zeus