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The Father of Biology is Aristotle and is born on 384 B.C. and is a Greek Philosopher and he died on 322 B.C.

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4w ago

Aristotle is often referred to as the "father of Biology" for his extensive study of animals and plants, as well as his development of biological concepts. His observations and writings laid the groundwork for the scientific study of living organisms.

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13y ago

Aristotle is known as the father of biology

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Aristotle is considered to be the Father of Biology.

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Q: Who is the father father of biology?
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Who is tho father of biology?

Father of biology is Aristotle

The father of biology?

Father of Biology - Aristotle

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What is the name of the father of biology?

Aristotle is often credited as the "father of biology" for his early contributions to the study of living organisms and classification of species.

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Of course he had a father as well as a mother. Biology dictates that.

List of father of the branches of biology?

father of medicine- hippocrates father of biology -aristotle father of botany -theophrastus father of zoology - aristotle father of genetics - G.J. Mendel father of expiremental genetics- thomas hunt morgan

Who is known as father of cell biology?

Charles Darwin?

Who is the father of evolutionary biology?

Charles Robert Darwin.

Who is the father biology?

In biology, the father is the male parent that contributes genetic material to offspring through the process of sexual reproduction. This genetic material is passed on through sperm, which fuses with an egg from the mother to create a new individual with a unique combination of genetic traits.

Who is the modern father of biology?

Charles Darwin is considered to be the father of modern biology. Aristotle termed 'natural philosophy' which we would define today as physics, biology and natural sciences. See the related links for more information.

Who is master of biology?

There is no single "master of biology," as the field is vast and diverse, with contributions from many individuals over time. Some notable figures in biology include Charles Darwin, Gregor Mendel, and Rosalind Franklin. These individuals made significant contributions to our understanding of genetics, evolution, and DNA, respectively.

Write about Aristotle?

Aristotle a greek scientist,is considered as the father of biology. before him , the knoladge in biology was fragmentary , ambiguous and confucing.