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The current president of Morocco is King Mohammed VI. He has been in power since 1999.

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Q: Who is the current president of Morocco?
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Who is the current president of marroco?

Morocco has a constitutional monarchy and, therefore, has no president.

Who is the president of Morocco?

Morocco is a kingdom, and therefore it has a king. His name is Mohamed VI. There is no such position as the President of Morocco.

Who is the current president of Morocco and the date of independence?

Morocco is a Constitutional Monarchy so therefore it has a Prime Minister and a King who are Abbas El Fassi and Mohammed VI respectively. Morocco achieved its independence from both Spain and France in 1956.

Who was President of Morocco in 2009?

There's no president

Does Morocco have a president or a king?

Morocco has had a king ever since its establishment as a unified polity in the 700s C.E. It has never experienced any non-monarchical form of government, even though it has been under numerous different dyansties.

Who is the president of morocco2010?

there is no president in Morocco ! there is a king and his name is Mohammed 6

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Who is the current archery champion of Morocco?

me hernando marcherez

Who was the King of Morocco in 2009?

Mohammed VI of the Alouite Dynasty is the current King of Morocco and has been the King of Morocco since his father Hassan II died in 1999.

Who was the King of Morocco in 2011?

Mohammed VI of the Alouite Dynasty is the current king of Morocco and has been the King of Morocco since his father Hassan II died in 1999.

Who became king of Morocco in 1999?

Mohammed VI of the Alouite Dynasty is the current king of Morocco and has been the King of Morocco since his father Hassan II died in 1999.

The government of Morocco is a?

Morocco has a Unitary parliamentary constitutional hereditary monarchy. Their current king is Mohammed VI and their current prime minister is Abdelilah Benkirane.However, most power is concentrated in the monarch, not the parliament.Morrocco is a constitutional monarchy where the King has no real political power BUT the current government allows limited democracy, with limits on freedoms.