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Jesuit priest Georges LeMaitre did pretty much all the work that resulted in Big Bang Cosmology. His description was "primordial atom;" "the Big Bang" was the description of Fred Hoyle, a vocal opponent of LeMaitre.

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โˆ™ 12y ago
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โˆ™ 2w ago

The big bang theory was developed by Belgian priest and physicist Georges Lemaรฎtre in the 1920s. He proposed that the universe began as a primeval atom, which expanded to form the galaxies we see today.

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โˆ™ 15y ago

George Gamow can be called the originator of the Big Bang. This is because in 1948, he and his team of scientists thought up the idea of the Universe starting from a small object and then suddenly becoming what it is today. George Gamow thought that the Big Bang created all of the matter in the Universe today, but we now know that only hydrogen, helium, and lithium were created in the Big Bang. All of the other kinds of matter were created in nuclear fusion from stars. This theory is what provides the basis of what we understand about the beginning of the Universe.

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โˆ™ 12y ago

The first scientist to suggest this model was Jesuit priest George LeMaitre.

Afterwards, several scientists have come forward and developed this theory in physics.

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