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Q: Who is responsible for the for the formation of troops during a chance of responsibility ceremony?
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Which condition makes fossil formation of an organism's remains more likely?

One condition that best increases the chance that an organism will become fossilized is if the burial happens rapidly. Another condition that can increase the chance of an organism becoming fossilized is if the organism has hard body parts.

What is a factor that seems to disappear?

One factor that seems to disappear is the influence of luck or chance in certain situations, as people may attribute outcomes solely to skill or effort instead. This can lead to an overemphasis on personal responsibility and underestimation of external factors affecting success or failure.

Why are meteorites ideal for age studies of the Earth?

Meteorites are ideal for age studies of the Earth because they are remnants of the early solar system and provide a direct way to study the formation and history of our planet. By analyzing the radioactive isotopes within meteorites, scientists can determine the age of the Earth and gain insights into its early evolution. Additionally, meteorites are relatively well-preserved compared to rocks on Earth, making them valuable resources for dating techniques.

How many different shaped snowflakes are there?

Snowflakes can have potentially infinite shapes due to variations in temperature, humidity, and other factors during their formation. Each snowflake is unique, and it is estimated that there can be trillions of different variations in their shapes.

Is it possible that all volcanoes on earth will simultaneously erupt?

there is a chance but the chance is probally 0.0000001%

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Should a man be legally obligated to pay childsupport for a child he was never given a chance to be a father to?

Yes It is after all his child and as such his responsibility. It is also his own responsibility to make acquaintance with his child. If no one told him that the child was conceived it still does not change the fact that he is responsible for the support of that child.

Is illegal formation a deadball penalty?

No. The defense has a chance to make a big play.

Who is responsible for your college experience?

You are responsible for your own college experience. It's a chance to truly live your life and experience the world by yourself.

How does a civic responsibility such as voting benefit citizens?

Voting gives citizens a chance to impact public policy.

What civic responsibility allows citizens a chance to influence government?

i dont know why not ask someone smart?

Why are meteorites ideal for age studies of the Earth?

Meteorites are ideal for age studies of the Earth because they are remnants of the early solar system and provide a direct way to study the formation and history of our planet. By analyzing the radioactive isotopes within meteorites, scientists can determine the age of the Earth and gain insights into its early evolution. Additionally, meteorites are relatively well-preserved compared to rocks on Earth, making them valuable resources for dating techniques.

What is important in blood clot formation?

It reduces the chance of bleeding to death(exsanguination) when you are cut or otherwise injured.

What is an example wedding reception script?

An example weeding reception script basically welcomes all the invitees to a particular wedding ceremony. "The groom and bride would like to take this chance to welcome all of you to this wedding ceremony." This is an example of a wedding reception script.

Why would the heavier metals sink to to the center during the formation of planet?

because they are HEAVY..... do you work for NASA by any chance?

What is the rite of passage of a boy or girl into adulthood?

For a boy, it's a "Barmitzvah" at 13 and for a girl a "Batmitzvah" at 12. Technically, a boy or girl don't need a formal ceremony to be considered adult according to Judaism, it happens automatically. But, from that age they become responsible to keep Jewish law. For a boy, that means he can count for the minyan (the ten men needed for communal prayer service) and he can read from the Torah. So, almost all boys use the chance of turning Barmitzvah to have their first shot at reading from the Torah. This happens in the synagogue, usually on a Saturday morning. Later that day or a few days later, the family will have a party to celebrate the Barmitzvah. On his birthday, the boy will also start wearing Tefillin (the black leather boxes Jewish men wear for prayer). Girls have less formal responsibility, but often have a special ceremony to commemorate their Batmitzvah. Commonly, the girls read passages of the Torah at a special ceremony (though not from a Torah scroll).

Why is keevan brave?

When he has a broken leg and a cracked skull, despite the severe pain, he drags himself to the Hatching ceremony even though he has a slim chance of impressing a dragon.

How do I write a reinstatment letter?

To write a reinstatement letter, you have to accept responsibility for the alleged mistakes, and include what you will do to correct the mistakes in future to win that second chance.