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The Greek astronomer Hipparchus is credited with first estimating Earth's precession around 127-146 B.C. He noticed that the position of the stars shifted over time, indicating a slow wobble in Earth's axis.

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Q: Who first and when estimated the earth's precession?
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I think you are referring to a phenomenon called Nutation.

What is earths precession?

The Earth is a spinning top (gyro) with a different moment of inertia about the spin axis than the other two axis. Therefore, it acts like a spinning top with both precession and nutation. Precession of the polar axis (relative to a 'fixed' distant star) forms a cone. The precession period (~26,000years) is the time it takes for the cone to be traced. Nutation occurs normal to the precession cone and has a much faster period (~18.6yrs).

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The earths rotation effects whether it is night or day (so you'll see the moon at night).

How does the north star changes?

Due to the earths precession (How the earth 'wobbles' on its axis) the pole star changes over time. Though this takes many, many years

How does precession effect the minimum and maximum value of earths cycle?

Which Earth cycle are you referring to (there are many). If you want us to answer your questions you must be sure your question is as precise as possible.

What is the earth movement but it takes 26000 years what would it is called?

Precession, which in this case refers to a movement of Earth's axis. A full "turn" takes about 26,000 years.

When earths precession resulted in an ice age that ended about years ago?

Earth's precession is believed to be one of the contributing factors to the ice ages, but it is not the sole cause. The most recent ice age, known as the Quaternary glaciation, began around 2.6 million years ago and ended approximately 11,700 years ago. This glacial-interglacial cycle was influenced by a combination of factors, including variations in Earth's orbit, tilt, and precession, as well as changes in atmospheric composition.

What is an ayanamsha?

An ayanamsha is a degree of precession in Vedic astrology.