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Skeletal muscle cells,cardiac muscle cells,sperm cells

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Q: Who do active cells have large numbers of mitochondria?
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What kind of cells would likely have large numbers of mitochondria in humans Why?

Mitochondria are the power houses. Active cells have many

Where are large numbers of mitochondria found in?

Large numbers of mitochondria are typically found in cells that have high energy demands, such as muscle cells, liver cells, and cells of the heart. These organs and tissues require significant energy production to carry out their functions effectively.

Why would some cells have large amounts of mitochondria and others may not?

Because they are very active. They need a lot of energy.

An active cell might contain large numbers of these?


What typed of cells have large numbers of mitochondria?

Muscle cells and heart cells for two.

Which organelles are more numerous in active cells?

If a cell is very active, it would need to have a large number of Mitochondria.

Which cells in your body would have a large number of mitochondria?

Metabolically very active cells. Examples are cardiac and muscle cels

Why do cardiac muscle cells have a large number of mitochondria?

Cardiac cells are very active. A lot of energy is needed

The presence of large numbers of mitochondria in the tubule cells of nephrons suggests that the transport of materials into and out of the tubule cells requires?

The presence of large numbers of mitochondria in the tubule cells of nephrons suggests that the transport of materials into and out of the cells requires a significant amount of energy. Mitochondria are responsible for producing ATP, the energy currency of the cell, which is essential for driving active transport processes in the tubule cells. This indicates that the tubule cells are actively involved in processes like reabsorption and secretion, which involve the movement of various solutes across cell membranes.

What kind of cells would you expect to contain large number of mitochondria?

Cells with high energy demands, such as muscle cells, liver cells, and heart cells, often contain a large number of mitochondria. Mitochondria are responsible for producing energy in the form of ATP, so cells that require a lot of energy to function typically have more mitochondria.

What cells in your body contain a large amount of mitochondria?


A cell that requires a lot of energy might contain large numbers of what organelle?

Mitochondria, as they are responsible for producing energy in the form of ATP through cellular respiration. Cells that require a lot of energy, such as muscle cells or neurons, will have higher concentrations of mitochondria to meet their energy demands.