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The mimosa pudica was discovered by Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish botanist, in the early 18th century. He classified it within the plant taxonomy system he established.

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Q: Who discovered the mimosa pudica?
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What state does the mimosa pudica come from?

The mimosa pudica, also known as the sensitive plant, is native to South and Central America.

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Mimosa pudica

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Mimosa pudica exhibits thigmonastic movement, a type of nastic movement in response to touch or physical stimulus. When stimulated, the plant's leaves close up or fold in a rapid response to protect itself.

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Mimosa Pudica

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The cast of Mimosa Pudica - 2010 includes: Gail Byrd as Grandmother Phil Morales as Sam Regan Sadowski as Young Holly Rhianna Van Helton as Holly

What is the scientific name for mimosa?

Mimosa is a genus, and the scientific name is therefore "Mimosa." There are about 400 different species within the genus; you'll need to be more specific if you were looking for a particular one.

How do touch-me-not plants reproduce?

Touch-me-not or Mimosa pudica plants reproduce through seeds.

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The components of pesticides found in makahiya (Mimosa pudica) can include rotenoids, alkaloids, flavonoids, and tannins. These compounds have insecticidal properties that help the plant defend itself against pests.

Sceintific name of makahiya?

this unusually quick response is due to rapid water release from specialized clls at the bases of leaftsalks.Makahiya is an herb also known as the "Shy" makahiya, it's scientific name is Mimosa pudica. Mimosa pudica (Sensitive Plant), is a creeping annual or perennial herb often grown for its curiosity value: the compound leaves fold inward and droop when touched or shaken, re-opening minutes later. The species is native to South America and Central America, but is now a pantropical weed.My source was Wikipedia.

When you touch the leaf of this plant it closes. whats the name of this plant?

The plant you are referring to is likely the sensitive plant, also known as Mimosa pudica. It responds to touch by folding its leaves inwards, a response known as thigmonasty.

What are the two names of a sensitive plant?

The sensitive plant is also known as "Mimosa pudica" or "touch-me-not."