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Q: Who discovered schist?
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When was schist discovered?

Schist is a metamorphic rock that forms from the transformation of other rocks under high heat and pressure. The process of schist formation has been ongoing for millions of years on Earth, so it was not "discovered" in a specific moment or date. Geologists have been studying schist and its formation for centuries, contributing to our understanding of the Earth's dynamics and history.

Is schist the same as mica schist?

No, schist is a metamorphic rock type characterized by strong foliation, while mica schist is a specific type of schist that contains a high proportion of mica minerals like muscovite or biotite. Mica schist has a distinct shiny appearance due to the abundance of mica minerals.

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What is the rock category of schist?

A schist is a metamorphic rock.

What country is schist found in?

Schist is a metamorphic rock found deep underground but I don't know where some schist

Does schist contain diamond?

No, schist is a metamorphic rock type.

What kind of rock is schist rock?

Schist is a metamorphic rock.

Is a schist rock a crystal?

No Schist is not a crystal, but it is composed of minerals.

Is mica garnet and chloride in schist?

Mica and garnet are commonly found in schist. Chloride is not typically found in schist; rather, it is often associated with evaporites or in hydrothermal systems.

What type of rocks Schist?

Schist is a high-grade metamorphic rock.

Is Schiste foliated?

Yes. That's why it is called schist, every schist if foliated.

Does schist rock bubble when with hydrochloric acid?

No, schist rock does not bubble when in contact with hydrochloric acid because schist is a metamorphic rock composed of minerals like mica, chlorite, and quartz that do not react with acids to produce gas bubbles. Schist is typically more resistant to chemical weathering compared to other rock types like limestone or marble.